Chapter 7:

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I pack and take a deep breath. "Ready?" he asks. "Yup." I say smiling. Tink covers my bag in fairy dust and takes off directing it. I look out the window and feel the night time breeze on my face.

I shut my light off so the only light is coming from the full moon. "You okay?" he asks standing on the deck in front of me. Wow he looks totally gorgeous in the moonlight! "Yeah. It's just...I may sound like Windy from the movie but...forever is a damn long time." I say.

"But you hate your life here. They treat you like shit. Why stay when you can come and stay young forever and just get to have fun everyday all day." he says. I think about it. He has a point. "Plus I'll be there." he says smiling that gorgeous smile.

Who can say no to the face?! "Not all of them treat me badly. Trevor stood up for me today and got in ALOT of trouble for it. So can he come?" I ask. I know that all his family hates him now for standing up to me and I owe this to him.

No one has ever stood up for me. His smile went away. "Do you like him or something?" he asks sadly. "No! Nooooo! He's my stepbrother! I just owe this to him. Please!" I beg. "Sure." he says with an obvious fake smile. "Yay! Thank you!" I say hugging him. I sneak out to Trevor's room.

Peter's POV:

"Not all of them treat me badly. Trevor stood up for me today and got in ALOT of trouble for it. So can he come?" she asks. Why does she want him to come?! I saw her kiss him that one day. "Do you like him or something?" I ask hoping the answer is no.

"No! Nooooo! He's my stepbrother! I just owe this to him. Please!" she begs. Damn she's giving me puppy eyes! Who could say no to that face?! "Sure." I say trying to smile.

"Yay! Thank you!" she says hugging me. Okay letting him come was sort of worth it for that hug. She went out the door. I hope she doesn't get caught! I swear I won't be able to hold back if her stepfather ever hits her again!

I will kill him! I awkwardly stand there waiting. Her door finally opens. Trevor comes in with her. "So you want me to believe this guy is Peter Pan?" he asks. "Yes! He really is!" he says looking at me. "Proof?" he asks to me. This kid is a little punk!

I lift myself off the ground. "Wires." he says. Oh yeah I'm on wires outside. I move around and do some flips and stuff. "I don't buy it." he says crossing his arms examining me. Why does she want him to come again?! Alright I gotta do this to make her happy.

What can I do to prove who I am? "He has a Irish accent!" Zafina says. "And?" Trevor asks her. "And Peter Pan went to London the movie!" she says. "Wait that doesn't make since...but Ireland is a part of the U.K!" she adds. Seriously how can someone not love this girl?! "He could be just some Irish stalker or cereal killer?" Trevor asks.

Do I look like a murder? I look down at my clothes...Yeah yeah okay maybe I do a little. Sorry for living in the wild! "Kid do you want to come to Neverland with us or stay here?" I ask getting annoyed. He sighs and looks back and forth between us. "Isn't there like no girls is Neverland?" he asks me.

"No. No there's girls. There's the mermaids, some of the Indians and I think there might be some girl pirates but I'm not sure." I say. "Mmmm...alright I'll go on one condition." he says. "You *pointing to. Zafina* have to say ya love me." he says. She looks at him. "I already did." she says. What?! "No you said you love me too. I want to hear those 3 words not 4." he says. "Okay. Trevor I love you." she says smiling. Me and him both stop breathing. I'm pretty sure he's having like an orgasium or something.

Wow I wish she would say those words to me! Replacing his name with mine of coarse. "Okay I will be right back." he says in a weird voice running out of the room. I look at her. "I don't really love him." she says. I can breath again. "I mean I love him like a brother but not like a boyfriend." she adds.

"Okay." I say not knowing what to say. I step back outside and look at the stars. "Is it true?" she asks all of the sudden right behind me. My heart begins to race. "Is what true?" I ask nervously swallowing. "Is it the 2nd star to he right and then straight on till morning?" she asks pointing up at the sky. "No it's the 3rd to the right." I say looking at her.

"Oh." he says putting her hand down. One of her eye brows goes up and she starts squinting a little. I want to kiss her so bad! "I'm joking." I say smiling. "Oh." she says her face going back to her beautiful smile. "It is the 2nd star to the right." I say. "I know." she says smiling and finally looking at me with those beautiful eyes.

I smile too. I start to lean to kiss her and she starts to leans too. Holy fuck she wants to kiss me?! We were about to kiss when Trevor comes running in with a suitcase. He locks the door behind him and runs over to us. I open a pocket thing I had full of fairy dust and walk over to his bag and sprinkled some on it and ordered it to go to Neverland.

It went out the window and up into the sky. "We have to go dad woke up and is on his way up here!" Trevor says. Shit! "Alright I need some fairy dust!" he says to me. "And you need happy thoughts." I say. "Happy thoughts?! My father is on his way up here to kill us!" he says. "Think about the hot girls that will be there, the adventures, no more school, no more parents with rules, no chorus." I say while sprinkling some fairy dust on him.

He rises and flys out the window. I go over to Zafina. She looks at me worryingly. "What about Charlie?" she asks pointing to the dog. I fly down and sprinkle fairy dust in him and break his chain. He rises and Trevor takes his collar. They fly off to the star. I go back to Zafina and hear pounding on her door.

She's crying. "C'mon!" I say pulling her arm. "I'm to scared to think happy thoughts." she crys. "Think anything happy!" I say. "Go without me." she says. The pounding gets louder. I look at the door and see them begin breaking it open! I look back at her. What do I do?! I quick press my lips to her cheek hoping that will work. I pull back.

She's shocked at first but then smiles. I take her hand and her mother and stepfather break the door down. We fly off into the sky and off to Neverland. I got to kiss her! We fly and I look and see we're holding hands! Holy shit! Best day ever! "Thank you." she says. "For?" I ask. "Making me happy...and saving me." she says looking at me. "You're welcome." I say.

She looks forward but I continue looking at her. The most beautiful girl ever alive is coming with me to my world to live with me forever! I highly doubt she will want to go back home like Windy did...I hope not anyway because I feel differently with her then I did with Windy.

She's different and I like that. She looks around everywhere and she looks so happy. I hope she enjoys my world. I want her to be happy and I would do anything to keep her happy. She still hasn't let go of my hand. I hope she can't feel how sweaty my hand is. A huge smile appears on her face I look forward and see we're almost there.

Wow that was fast. A star is usually in outer space but how would we fly in outer space when there's no air there? I'm not sure how is happens but there's like an invisible air tunnel to our star from Earth I guess. I don't know I've never thought about how it works.

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