Chapter 27:

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Peter's POV:

I wake up and see her beautiful face in my bed. I get up and kiss her cheek. She's asleep and will probably be all day but that's fine because who knows how much sleep she got down in the cell. I walk out and go pee, brush my teeth ect. the usual morning routine. Everyone else is waking up as well.

I'm guessing its about noon. I eat breakfast as well as some of the other boys do. Finally after a little while we're all outside. "Alright um Trevor your house was built already, right?" I ask. He shakes his head yes. "Okay then we have one down and 6 more to go. Plus I want Zafina's to be kind of big like mine." I say. "Why don't you just build another room in your house for her?" JC asks.

Mmm that's not a bad idea. But Zafina needs her privacy she's surrounded by us all the time. "Nah. It's a good idea but she needs some of her own space. We already have some of it built." I say. It's not raining so we can finally fly again. We all go to where Zafina's house was being built. We go down through the door. Her house is down in a tree like mine is. The tree she chose is big enough to build a house in it.

I go in and go down the stairs then look at what we have. Most of the living is room done. She needs a bedroom, bathroom, kitchen and stuff like mine has. All the boys have followed me down in the living room. Um okay we need to build 5 smaller lost boy houses and one big one.

We have 11 guys working. "Um how about all the new guys to work on your houses and bring Liam to help you then the rest stay here and help with Zafina's house." I say. The boys that need to leave leave then we begin. It's very easy to make a house in/under a tree here. You just have to carve out the rooms I guess is how you could explain it. It sounds hard but we've done it enough times that its easy to us now.

By the end of the day we have Zafina's living room, kitchen and half her bedroom done. I have to ask her of she wants anymore rooms. They finished Ricky and Connor's houses. We all go to our own houses besides the "homeless" guys. I walk in mine and take a shower. I walk off to my bedroom and Zafina is still asleep! Damn she must have been tired! I get ready for bed then go to sleep.

Zafina's POV:

I wake up and it's completely dark. I get up, get my a crutches and go to the bathroom. When I get out I hear a groan. I can barley see but there's sleeping bags laid out. Oh it's still night. I go in the kitchen. I hear someone out side. There's no windows to see outside since we're underground. I look around. Crap I really need a weapon for myself. Trying to be as quiet as possible I open a drawer and pull out a knife.

I begin to walk to the slide. How am I so post to climb up this without making noise? This is why in my house I chose stairs instead of a slide. I carefully climb up then open the door. I look around. The moon is bright so I can see pretty well. I hear a twig snap. I jump and look around. I feel a hand on my shoulder! I scream and turn around holding the knife up. "Whoa whoa Zafina. Chill out it's just me." one of the new boys say. Shit I'm terrible with remembering new names.

"Sorry." I say lowering he knife. He closes the door. "What are you doing out here?!" he asks. "I heard a noise." I say. "So you decided to come check it out by yourself?!" he asks. "Yeah." I say. "You are crazy!" he says smiling. Wow he has a very nice smile. Perfect freaking teeth just like all the rest of the guys here. I feel terrible not remembering his name! Another twig snaps. Okay I'm glad what's his face is here now. Is he JC? No no. Kian? No.

He takes the knife and steps in front of me. "Stay behind me." he says. Whatever you say. We walk forward a little ways and keep hearing twigs snapping here and there. As we walk we collide into Smee. We all scream. "Smee what are you doing?!" I ask. The dude...crap let's just say...Connor...not sure if that's right but oh well lowers the knife.

"I was hoping not to run into anyone before I left. I hate goodbyes..." Smee says. I look and see a suitcase by his side. "You're leaving?!" Connor asks. "Yeah. I'm going to live out my life on Earth." he says. "Stay Smee." I pled. "No no I'm much to old to run around with the lost boys." he says laughing. I want him to stay.

"Then goodbye sir. It was a true honor meeting you." Connor says. They shake hands. Smee looks at me. I'm not gonna cry. I'm not gonna cry. We hug. "I'll miss you Smee! Thank you for everything." I say. Hugging him tightly. "I will miss you too young lady." he says. We let go of each other. "Well I must be off Tinkerbell promised to help me fly back." he says picking his suitcase back up. "Bye." I say. "Goodbye." he says.

He walks away and me and Connor turn to go back to the house. "Are you tired?" he asks me. "No. Are you?" I ask. "No." he says. "Let's go explore!" I say. I haven't really gotten the chance to explore here yet. "Okay." he says smiling. We walk through the woods the moonlight guiding our way. "Um so I feel really bad but uh what's your name?" I ask. "Sam and it's okay." he says smiling.

"Sam. Okay got it." I say. We continue walking. The woods just keep going on and on they don't seem to end. It's kind of hard to walk through woods with crutches also. "I'm glad you and your friends came." I say. "Why?" he asks.

"It's nice to be around people with American accents for a change." I say. "Ah I see." he says smiling. Everyone here has a British accent besides Peter, me, Trevor and the new boys. Peter has an Irish accent while me, Trevor and the new guys have American accents. "Can you fly?" he asks me. "I have before but I haven't had the strength to in awhile." I say. "Wanna try? I will help you?" he asks. It would be nice to ditch the crutches!

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