Chapter 29:

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Sam's POV:

I look around. This place looks nice! I look down. Oh my gosh I forgot I was wearing p.j pants! I'm glad I thru a shirt on! Sadhvi finally comes back and she has her arms full of shit! She lays it all out in front of Zafina and organizes everything. What is she doing? "Stop starring at that boy and pull up your pant leg." Sadhvi says smiling. What? I look at Zafina her face goes red.

She was starring at me?! Does she like me?! I thought she was like dating Peter...Zafina pulls her pant leg up then Sadhvi unwraps her knee and begins peeling the giant band aid off. Zafina's hand flys to my leg and she squeezes it. Oh fuck! She's squeezing kind of high up on my leg! Sadhvi gets cream out and puts some on her fingers.

What the fuck is that?! She thinks she's putting some weird ass homemade cream on my girl she's crazy! She's about to rub it on Zafina's injury but I stop her. "What is that?" I ask. "It will help." Sadhvi says. I look at Zafina. She doesn't look like she minds. I remove my hand. "It will hurt for a moment. Okay?" Sadhvi says to Zafina. "Okay." Zafina says. She squeezes my leg again and Sadhvi hasn't even touched her with the cream yet.

I guess she's nervous? She's nervous! This is a good time to make a move! I slide my hand under hers and curl my finger in between her's. She looks at me and I smile at her. She smiles back. Sadhvi begins running the cream on and saying a bunch of random shit. Zafina squeezes my hand even harder! Fuck I feel useless! When she's done rubbing the cream I lean down and blow on it hoping that helps. I sit back up and look at her.

She looks at me and loosens her grip in my hand. Oh good it did help. Zafina looks at Sadhvi then her injury. Her eyes get wide. "Whoa!" she says. I look at her injury and its completely healed! What?! "Thank you so much!" Zafina says to Sadhvi. "Oh my pleasure! Anytime you have an injury or are sick or something come to me." Sadhvi says smiling. "I'm pretty much the "doctor" of Neverland I guess you could say." Sadhvi adds.

"Well thank you again!" Zafina say. I stare at our hands. They're still together. They seriously fit perfect together! "Also do any of these rat bites look infected?" Zafina asks. Sadhvi looks at her arms. "Not the ones I can see." she says. "Well I want to make sure so can we go in a tent or something so I can show you the rest?" Zafina asks. "Of coarse. Follow me." Sadhvi says picking up all her stuff and walking away. Zafina tries to get up but gets yanked back because we're still holding hands. She let's go and I feel a pinch of lost inside. I love holding her hand!

"Come. Please." she says to me. What? She wants me to go to?? Doesn't she have rat bites in places I shouldn't see? Ohhh maybe she wants me to see those places. Kinky. Fuck yeah I'll go! I get up and walk with Zafina following Sadhvi. We get to a tent and walk in. It looks like a doctors office a little bit. She wasn't joking when she said she was the "doctor" of Neverland. I wonder if she treats pirates? "Okay where are the bites?" Sadhvi asks Zafina.

"All over my legs and arms." Zafina says. "If I get down to my bra and underwear that should be enough." Zafina adds. "Alright. You out." Sadhvi says pointing at me. C'mon really?! "No I want him in here. Please. He's a good friend." Zafina says. Friend? Just a friend? "Okay." Sadhvi says and turns around and I think I'm should to but fuck it no one told me to turn around. She takes her shirt of. Wow! Holy shit!

She takes her pants off and is only in her bra and underwear! Whoa! Fuck me! Sadhvi turns back around and examines Zafina's rat bites. Zafina is facing me and keeps doing silly faces at me whenever Sadhvi isn't looking. I keep laughing. This girl is perfect! Seriously perfect! She's like a perfect taco from Taco Bell!

"Nope they all look fine." Sadhvi says. I let out a breath of realief. "And the cuts on my face?" Zafina asks. "They look fine too." Sadhvi says smiling. "Okay. Thank you!" Zafina says. "You're welcome. Come back out when your ready." Sadhvi says walking out. What?? I'm left alone in a tent with her and she's almost naked! Dreams do come true! I look at Zafina and she starts coming towards me. I can't move, my heart beat increases and I feel myself getting sweaty.

What is she going to do?! "Sam you are so kissable!" she says to me lustfully. I can't even say anything! She leans to my ear and whispers: "You know how many things I wanna do to you?" Defiantly just got a boner! She leans back and grabs my hair with both her hands. She pushes me back against a huge pole holding the tent up.

She wraps her right leg up around me. "Sam Pottorff you are mine!" she says. "I'm all yours! Forever!" I manage to say. She smiles and kisses me. I kiss her back. My hands go to her face but she moves them down. I put them on her waist and she starts moving her hips just the right way! I let out a small moan. She lets out a huge moan. Fuck! She's so hot. She looks back and gets on her knees in front of me. "Aren't you with Peter?" I ask.

"No! I told you you're mine!" she says she starts to unbutton my pants! "Sam! Saaam!" I hear yelling. I snap back and Zafina is fully clothed in front of me. What? "Yo Earth to Sam?" she says waving a hand in front of my face. "Uh sorry. Zoned out." I say. "It's alright. Wanna get outta here?" she asks me. I nod. She takes my hand and we walk out. I day dreamed that whole thing?!

She says goodbye but I'm to busy thinking about the day dream. I manage to say goodbye and we leave. "Gosh my knee feels great!" she says when were back alone in the woods. She hops around and dances. "What do you wanna do?" she asks me. You! "I don't care." I say. "Well I do." she says coming up to me. She winks.

Am I day dreaming again? "Um..." I say. "I'm joking!" she says smiling and stepping away. Dammit. "Oh." I say. "Let's go...Watch the sun rise!" she says. That sounds good. We fly up and look for a good place to watch the sunrise.

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