Chapter 30:

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Sam's POV:

"There!" she says pointing after awhile of us searching. She is pointing to some water falls that have land near it. We land and look up. "Wow!" she says. The view is very beautiful! The sky is still dark but the moon is bright enough to see everything. She reaches in her pocket and pulls out an iPhone. "Why do you have that?" I ask. "Emergencies. Like this." she says snapping a pic of the falls.

She then goes all photographer mode and takes lots of pics. We go up on top and take pic there, then fly right over the water and take pics. She flies right over the water all the way down and takes a video. She goes behind the falls and there's a cave. I'm glad I have been following her. "Wow look at this!" she says looking around.

There's beautiful rocks in the walls everywhere. We sit in the cave and just talk for awhile. "You can't tell anyone about this place." she says. "Why?" I ask. "Because it can be mine and yours secret hide out. Only me and you can know. Promise?" she asks holding up her pinky finger. "Promise." I say doing the pinky promise with her. The sky is a light blue and we fly up to watch the sun rise. She takes lots of pics of coarse. Once the sunrise is over I hear her snap another pic I look at the camera is pointed at me!

I look like shit! "Smile." she says smiling. "No way!" I say tackling her. She laughs hard and it's adorable! We tackle each other for a few mins then stop. We look at each other. She's seriously so beautiful. "We should do this again sometime." she says. "Defiantly!" I say. "We need nicknames for each other." I add. She laughs. "Okay." she says thinking. Uh Z? No. ZZ? No.

Zafi? No! Her last name is Roberts. Z.R. No. She takes a lot of photos. Photo. Zafina. Phoina? Zaoto? Zoto? "How about Zoto?" I ask. She laughs "What's Zoto?" she asks. "Photo and Zafina. Cause you take a lot of photos." I say. "I like it." she says smiling.

"I should call you...mmm...Sorf." she says. "Sorf?!." I ask. "Sam mixed in with Pottorff." she says. "I like it." I say. "Zoto and Sorf." she says smiling. We look at each other again smiling. This is a perfect moment! My face goes serious and I lean in. Her face goes serious as well. She also begins to lean. Wow this is really about to happen!!!

Peter's POV:

I wake up and go to the bathroom. As I'm peeing it hits me! I run back in my bedroom. She's gone! Oh I swear I will KILL Milo!!! I walk out on the living room and grab the megaphone. "EVERYONE UP! NOW!" I yell. I walk out to the lost boys houses.

"EVERYONE UP! NOW" I yell again. I walk to our fire pit area and all the boys come out half asleep. "Morning fellas. Notice anyone missing?" I ask. They look around. "Yeah uh Zafina." JC says in a sleepy voice. "Yes! Now we h..." I start. I get cut off by Trevor saying "and Sam." I look at him. "What?" I ask.

"Well you asked who's missing. It's Zafina and Sam." he says. I look around. He's right! I go back into my living room and look in his sleeping bag. Empty. Did Milo take him to? "Everyone search for them around our area." I order the lost boys. We all look around and about a half hour later we all meet back. No one found them. What the fuck! "So I believe Milo took Zafina and Sam." I say. "Why would he take Sam?" Kian asks.

"I don't know! Ask him!" I say. He's got a point though. Why would he take Sam? Maybe Sam was just trying to protect Zafina? "Well I heard that Sam has a crush on your girl." Trevor says. "What?!" I ask. "Don't listen to him! He doesn't know what he's taking about!" Kian says covering Trevor's mouth. Trevor escapes. "No I know! Sam was talking about how hot she was." Trevor says. I look at Kian.

"Is that true?" I ask him. "I don't know." Kian says. "Answer! Now!" I yell. "Maybe." Kian says. Maybe?! I will kill that boy! "We need to find them! Everyone search!" I say. I give everyone a walkie talkie and we all fly opposite ways. I can't loose her again! If Milo did anything to her I swear I will murder him! A slow painful death! "Hey Peter." I hear through the walked talkie.

"Yeah?" I ask. "Uh Smee is missing as well." they say. Smee? Why is he missing? "Alright. Thanks." I say. Mmm maybe Milo came back to take Zafina back and Sam and Smee fought? Don't know.


It's been hours of searching! We flu over the pirate village and didn't see anything suspicious. I even spied on Milo. He's being taken care of. Where are they?! We all meet back. "Maybe we should just wait em out?" Louis suggests. "Yeah." I say sitting down.

Zafina's POV:

I wake up to his face. I smile. I look at the sun. We've been gone for hours! I shake Sam. "What?" he asks groaning. "Sorf we have to get back!" I say "Why?" he asks. "We've been gone for hours!" I say. He groans. "Peter is probably freaking out!" I say. "Yeah." he says sadly sitting up. I feel bad I didn't kiss him but I don't know...

I really like Peter. He yawns and stretches. "I want Taco Bell!" he says standing up. "I've never had Taco Bell." I say. "What?!" he asks wide eyed. "Nope. I've never even been in a Taco Bell." I say not lying. He looks at my stunned. "I need to take you to one!" he says. I laugh. "Some time soon." I say. "Why not now. We can go to California like you've always wanted to." he says smiling. Wow that actually sounds amazing!...but Peter...

"Um some other time." I say. "Oh yeah gotta run back to Peter." he says rolling his eyes. "What?" I ask with attitude. "Sorry. I just...I like you...a lot and he gets you." he says with sad eyes. I feel terrible! "I'm sorry." I say. "It's fine." he says fake smiling. We fly out of the waterfall and back to the lost boy area.

After a little while of flying I realize I have no idea where were going! "Uh Sorf?" I ask. "Yeah?" he says. "Do you have any idea where we are? Or how to get back? Cause I don't!" I say. "Yeah I know the way." he says. Phew. "Good." I say. It doesn't take that long to get back. We walk into Peter's house. Huh. Everyone is gone. "Probably working on the houses." Sam says. Probably.

We walk and go to the fireplace sitting area. Everyone is sitting there. "Hey everybody." I say walking. They all look at me and Sam. None of them smile or say hey back. Um did we do something? "Where have you been?!" Peter gets up and asks me. Fuck. Where have we been. I look at Sam.

"We heard a noises last night and went to go check it out and ran into to Smee." Sam says. "Yeah he left to go live his life out on Earth." I say. "Okay. Where else have you been?!" Peter asks. "Exploring." I say. "We went and meet the Indians! They healed Zoto's injury!" Sam says. "Who the fuck is Zoto?!" Peter asks. Uh oh.

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