Chapter 5:

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I drive to school and it takes forever to find a parking spot. I finally get one and walk up. My heart begins beating faster as I feel eyes on me. I take a deep breath and walk in. I think just about everyone I've seen so far has looked at me. Great.

I walk to my first class and sit down. People begin to walk in. Everyone walks in with someone and a sit with someone. Except me. "Who is that?" I hear whispered about a million times. A group of girls dressed like sluts walk in and look at me. They come over to me. This is gonna be fun. "So you're the new girl from Florida right?" one asks me. "Yup." I say.

"Sasha's new step-sister?" she asks. "Yup." I say. Everyone else in the classroom is looking at us. "Well you should know converse went out of style in the 80's." she says. All her friends started giggling. Is she really that stupid? Millions of people still wear converse these days! "That's so weird considering the fact that guy on your shirt wears them." I say pointing to a celebrity I have seen in converse on her shirt.

Her face turns red and a few people comment. "Oooo!" "Ohhh!" "Burn!" "You watch yourself new girl!" she snarls in my face. Does she have any idea how easily I could snap her in half. "You're fat, ugly and a freak." she snarls. "You don't even know me." I say. "I don't need to know you. Everything I just said I can just see." she says. "That's what you see of me? Well I see a dumb bitch standing in front of me that really needs to just get her ass beat." I say.

"You're a fucking slut!" she yells. "If I'm a slut and my shorts go down to here *pointing to the bottom of my shorts that are only like 1 inch above my knee* then what are you when your skirt goes up so high you can see your ass cheeks out the back?" I ask. Again I hear comments and laughs. She looks like she's about to swing at me when a middle aged man walks in.

"Sit down ladies!" he yells. They go to the back of the room and she gives me one last glare before going back. "You must be the new student. I'm Mr. Devokahuty." he says. Devo what?! "Mr.D is probably easier." he adds. "Hi." I say. Class ends and the girl pushes me in the hall causing me to fall. "Oops I didn't see ya there." she says walking away. I feel a hand grab my arm to help me. I look and it's Ben! Ah a familiar face finally! "You okay?" he asks. "Yup. Fine." I say. "Gosh first day and you already have enemies." he says smiling. I laugh and we walk to class together. I have quit a few classes with him. Thank the lord!

Finally the school day is over! I walk out and of coarse the bitch is standing there. I walk down another way to the parking lot. I don't want to fight her. I just moved here. I hear her behind me and I walk faster pulling my keys out. She catches up to me. "Hey I heard your daddy committed suicide because he couldn't stand the look of your face." she says from behind me laughing. It takes every muscle in my body to stop myself from turning around and beating the living fuck out of her.

"I heard your mommy is a whore." another girl calls from behind me. Finally I get to my car and unlock it. "Hey stupid cunt! Where ya going?" the bitch asks coming up to me. I get in my car and start it. I back up a little and they step where my car just was. I quick pull up almost hitting them and they all scream. That made me feel better I must say. I pull out and head to the hell house. I hate this place so so so much!

I get home, park my car and walk in. "You are an embarrassment!" my stepfather yells at me as I walk in. And you're not? "You almost ran over 5 girls today?!" he yells. I see my step-sister a few feet behind him her arms crossed and tears down her face. I see my mother standing next to her converting her. "Those girls are your sisters friends and good girls and you almost killed them! I want the keys to your car!" he says holding his hand out.

"Are you fucking kidding me?!" I yell and they all look at me wide eyed. "Those girls called me very rude names and said my dad committed suicide at the sight of me!" I yelled. They don't care about me. "And called my mother a slut!" I added since they won't care if they hurt me at all. "Well I know those girls. They go to our church. They wouldn't say stuff like that." he said still holding his hand out.

"I hate you all." I say not lying. I throw my keys down the the ground and run up to my room. I slam and lock the door and punch a wall. I hear a pounding at my door. "Open this door!" I hear my stepfather yell! "I can get the key!" he yells again. I should just run away and live on my own. Where would I go though? I hear him stomp away and know he's getting the key. I walk around my room trying to think of what to do.

I hear him stomping back. I'm going to stand up for myself! Thats what I'm going to do because I know I did the right thing! I hear him unlock the door and I stand in the middle of my room. He comes in and slams he door behind him. I wonder how many times that door has been slammed. "You listen to me little girl! You go apologize to your sister and those girls! You embarrassed your sister! If they really did say that about your mom it's wrong but still." he yells. "What they said about my mother is true! And she is NOT my sister! And no I won't!" I say loudly.

He comes over to me. "You're not going to do as I say in my house?!" he yells! He lifts his hand and slaps me hard across the face. Isn't the first time he's hit me. I hear Charlie going crazy outside. I fall to the ground by get right back up. I swing to punch him but he catches my hand in mid air. He's a much better fighter then me. He twists my arm and punches me. I'm on the ground by now. "As soon as you graduate...maybe sooner actually you are out of this house!" he yells punching me again.

Trevor runs in and jumps on his father! "Don't touch her!" he yells. His father gets him off and punches him like 3 times. "Don't tell me what to do you little prick!" he yells. He storms out. I look at Trevor. "Thank you." I say. "I love you." he says. "I love you too." I say meaning brother sister love. Drew comes back in and drags Trevor out slamming the door behind him.

I hate my life! I crawl into a ball on the ground and cry for about and hour or so. I get up slowly in pain and lock my door. I step out on the deck and take a beep breath of the fresh air. I go back in my room and lay in bed. I know I'm not going to be able to sleep but I just shut my lights off and lay there thinking. It gets dark out. And I hear something out on the deck. I'm to lazy to get up and see. "Are you okay?" I hear a voice whisper. I roll over and see the boy! I wasn't going crazy! He's real! "No. Who are you?" I ask. "Uh. Who are you?" he asks.

"Hold on. Don't go away! Please!" I say turning the light on. "I'm not leaving." he says. He has an Irish accent. And he's completely gorgeous! "So who are you?" I ask again. "You're not going to believe me if I tell you." he says. "Try me." I say. He sighs.

"Okay...*takes a deep breath* I'm...I'm Peter Pan." he says.

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