Chapter 72:

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Storm's POV:

She laughs. "I miss snowboarding." she says. I smile. She notices me smiling. "What?" she asks. "Want one of your presents right now?" I ask. She raises an eye brow. "Come!" I say. We get up and fly back with the sleds. She comes into my house with me. "Alright here." I say handing her 3 presents. "I thought you said one present!" she says. "You gotta open these with it." I say smiling. She sits and begins unwrapping!

Zafina's POV:

I rip open the first present. Oh my god! Tears start to come! "My snowboard?!" I squeal. "Well a replica of it." she says. "Oh my fucking god!!! Thank you!!!" I say hugging her. "Welcome!" she says. The other two presents are purple snowboarding shoes and googles. I hug her again! This is amazing!!! "Come show me some tricks!" she says. I put the boots and googles on. The snowboard is already binded. I fly a little faster then her as we fly back to the mountain.

I snap my boots in and get ready. Storm is holding her phone up recording me only a few feet from me. I smile, pull my goggles down and go! Oh gosh I've missed this! I loooove snowboarding! I really do! She flys next to me recording the whole way down.

There's nothing in the mountain to do any tricks. I get to the bottoms and fly back up. "Oh my gosh that was amazing!" I say. "No tricks?" she asks. "There's nothing to do tricks on." I say. I kinda wish it snowed more here now. Kinda. After awhile of me snowboarding and her sledding we head back.

The guys are already done. We all change into dry clothes and everyone comes to my house with presents. I get hot cocoa for everyone. We all trade presents. As everyone is opening I stop and look around. Were like a family. I've haven't had this loving family feeling in so long! It's like everyone is in slow motion right now as I watch them all be happy and laugh. We've all lived through hell and thanks to Peter we're here. I look at Peter. He's laughing at a present he just opened with is a shot glass that says "Irish do it right!"

He looks at me and I look into those blue eyes. I kiss him. I usually hate public affection but I wanna kiss him. "Get it Peter!" Louis yells. I pull away and cover my face. Everyone laughs. I love these people! I really do! After we all play Just Dance 4! I'm pretty sure none of us can dance which makes it so much more funny! After that we play Apples to Apples which I always love playing! After that we go to the Indians and do Christmas with them. I get some wicked cool gifts! The only one I didn't like was I got a deer skin skirt. Poor deer.

I pretended to love it of coarse but I'm so against animals being killed for clothes! My favorite was a dream catcher I got. One of the Indians apparently is working on getting a thing for tattoos going. Sam and Zayn are really excited for it! We go back to my place after a few hours and eat a HUGE dinner and then just lay around watching t.v. We ate a huge Thanksgiving dinner since we all forgot about Thanksgiving. Next holiday is New Year's. We should throw a HUGE party with the Indians!

Ugh I can't move and I feel so fat! After hanging more and playing a few more game and stuff everyone goes home with their new stuff. Peter stays behind. Not because he wants to because he passed out. I cover him with a blanket and go to bed. Charlie cuddles up next to me and I fall asleep.


I wake up to no Peter. I see a note that says "Sorry I passed out. I got all my stuff and went home. Call me when you wake up! Love you<3" with his number. Didn't I already have his number? I go on my phone. Yup I have if from him butt dialing me...bad memory...moving on! I call him and he answers right away. "Ello." he says very happily. "Hola." I say. "What's up?" he asks. "Just waking up. You?" I ask. "Looking at the most beautiful girl in the whole world." he says. "Damn I know you must be far away from me then!" I say.

"Really? Well this girl is tall, blonde hair that's in a bun right now..." I feel my head. My hairs in a bun! "...has baby blue eyes, an amazing personality, the cutest laugh..." I'm blushing an giggling by now. "...and her bum looks nice in those snowman p.j pants she's wearing." he says. I look down. I'm wearing my snowman p.j pants! I look around. I don't see him. I don't have windows. "I see you." he says. "You know if I didn't know who this was I'd probably be shiting my pants right now!" I say. He laughs.

Wait...I think I just heard him laugh not through the phone. "Give me a hint." I say. "Uh...if I peed you'd think it would be raining." he says. I look up. He's on my ceiling! I hang up. "Wow that's something you don't see everyday." I say. "It's better then what you see everyday." he say smiling. "Oh yeah!" I say. He lands right in front of me and kisses me.

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