Chapter 28:

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Sam's POV:

She lays the crutches down and I hold her. She's only standing on one foot. I feel her lift off the ground so I do as well. When were up in the air she looks at me and smiles. "Tah dah. No more crutches." I say. "Thank god!" she says. Wow she is really pretty...On the way here Harry was talking about her to me. Peter didn't hear any of it.

But Harry was going on and on about how lovely and amazing she is. He's right! "Um." she says smiling pointing to my arms. I look. I'm still holding her! Fuck! "Sorry!" I say letting go. She begins to fall! Oh fuck!! I fly down as fast as I can! Right before she hits the ground she stops in mid air. I finally catch up to her. She's laughing. What? Oh she tricked me. "You're not nice." I say smiling. "Haha! I got you good!" she says.

"Yeah whatever." I say. She has a nice sense of humor! We fly back up and continue flying the way we were walking. "So where are you from?" I ask. "Florida." she says. "Nice!" I say. "Well Vermont kind of." she says. "Oh?" I ask. "Long story you don't want to know." she says. She obviously doesn't want to talk about it. "Okay." I say. I need to change the subject now. I see lights. "Look." I say pointing. She looks. "Leggo!" she says smiling.

We fly down to the lights and see Indians crowding around an area. We land. I walk but hear struggling behind me. I look and she's trying to hop on one foot. Shit! "Fuck sorry!" I say. Damn I keep messing up! She wraps her arm around my shoulder and I wrap mine around her waist. There's some sitting around a fire. They see us. One women gets up and runs to us. "You must be Zafina! I've here so much about you!" the lady says shaking Zafina's hand like crazy. Zafina awkwardly smiles back and shakes her hand.

"And you must be one of the new lost boys." she says shaking my hand. "Yes. I'm Sam." I say. "Hello to both of you! My name is Sadhvi. I am the chief's wife." she says. "Nice to meet you too." Zafina says smiling. We walk up and get greeted by many more people. We meet the chief. He looks exactly how you would imagine an Indian chief. He's very nice.

We sit with them by the fire. "What's wrong with your knee?" Sadhvi asks Zafina. "Oh um...long story. But uh I fell and couldn't clean it for awhile." she says. I can see that subject bothers her. "Does it hurt?" Sadhvi asks Zafina. "Yes!" Zafina says. Of coarse it hurts! "I have something that will help. Hold on." Sadhvi says. She gets up and runs off somewhere. Zafina is sitting right next to me. Is it bad I get a weird feeling when she's around me??

Zafina's POV:

This is so embarrassing! I hope they don't all think I'm a dirtbag or something! I hate wearing p.js in public! Thank god Sam is wearing p.j pants as well! I'm glad I finally get to really meet the Indians though I have wanted to since I arrived. I wonder if the Indians age. The pirates do. The fairies don't.

The lost boys and Peter obviously don't. I wonder technically how old Peter is...maybe I shouldn't find out. Sadhvi finally comes back and she has her arms full of stuff! She lays it all out in front of me and organizes everything. I look at Sam and he's watching her with a curious look on his face. I wonder what he's thinking. "Stop starring at that boy and pull up your pant leg." Sadhvi says smiling. I look at her. She's looking right at me!

Shit she's talking about me! I feel my face get red. Without looking at Sam I pull up my pant leg. She unwraps my bandage then takes the giant band aid Peter put on off. Ow! Ow! Ow! I squeeze whatever my hand lands on and it happens to be Sam's leg. Shit! She peels it off slow. She gets this cream out and puts some on her fingers. She's about to put in on my injury when Sam's hand snaps and grabs her arm.

"What is that?" he asks in a very serious voice. I look at him. He has a very serious look on his face. "It will help." Sadhvi says. I look back at her. "It will hurt for a moment. Okay?" she says to me. "Okay." I say. I squeeze Sam's leg again but this time because I'm nervous. I feel his hand slide under mine and his finger curl in between mine. I look at him. He smiles at me. I smile back. I look down. She begins saying stuff in their language and runs the cream on. Holy fuck!

That hurts! I squeeze Sam's hand harder. He leans down and blows on it. It actually helps. He sits back up and looks at me. I look back into his eyes and the pain disappears. Sam has one of those faces you just want kiss him! I almost lean in to kiss him when I snap it of it and see Sadhvi still saying stuff in their language. She stops and looks at me. No pain. I look at my injury and its complete healed! "Whoa!" I say.

I glance at Sam and he's looking at my injury wide eyed. "Thank you so much!" I say to Sadhvi. "Oh my pleasure! Anytime you have an injury or are sick or something come to me." she says smiling. "I'm pretty much the "doctor" of Neverland I guess you could say." she adds. "Well thank you again!" I say. I move my leg around. It's like the injury was never there! "Also do any of these rat bites look infected?" I ask her.

"Not the ones I can see." she says. "Well I want to make sure so can we go in a tent or something so I can show you the rest?" I ask. "Of coarse. Follow me." she says picking up all her stuff and walking away. I get up still holding Sam's hand. I forgot we were holding hands! He looks at me. "Come. Please." I say to him. He gets up and we follow her.

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