Chapter 6:

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Oh...what? "Uh..." I say. "See I told you!" he says heading towards the window. "No wait!" I yell. He stops. "I believe you." I say not lying. "Yeah right." he says. "I really do!" I say. "Okay." he says. "What about the books and movies about you?" I ask.

"Um well the guy that wrote the first book to begin with was a lost boy but decided to go grow up to write about us." he says. "Oh. That makes since." I say. It really does. "What's your name?" he asks. "Zafina." I say. "Beautiful." he says. "You said am I okay...did you see what happened?" I asked.

"Yeah. It took everything in me to not come in and kill him!" he says. The look on his face shows he's not lying. "How long have you been watching me?" I ask. "Um since you stayed here in the summer." he says blushing a little. "Why are you just talking to me know?" I ask. "Because you had a nice life until now." he said. I get up off the bed groaning in pain.

"I need to make sure your okay." he says coming over to me. He looks into my eyes. Wow! Whatever you say gorgeous! He sits me down and looks over me. "Can I see your stomach?" he asks since that's where the asshole punched me. I stand and lift my shirt.

He presses on some spots and some hurt. "Well I don't think you have any broken bones but I can't be sure." he says. I wanna kiss him! "What about Tinker Bell?" I ask. "She's here." he says casually. "For real?! Oh my gosh!" I say. "She's kind of shy though." he says.

"What about the lost boys?" I ask. "There's 4 of them right now." he says. "How old are you?" I ask. "You have a lot of questions." he says laughing. "Well dah you're Peter Pan!" I say smiling. He sits at the end of my bed so I sit on my bed to. "You're a fan of mine?" he asks smiling.

"Hell yeah! You get to just do whatever you want all day and everyday, not have to grow up and can fly! You're amazing!" I say not lying. "Thanks. So my age right? I'm 16." he says. "16?! I thought Peter Pan was so post to be like 12?!" I said. "Tink found me when I was 10 then I stayed down here for about 3 years helping the lost by who wrote the book write his book.

And I stayed with Wendy for about 3 years. I'm not ever staying down here for longer then a day again." he says. "Oh. Is it always summer there or do you get winter?" I ask. "Where?" he asks. "In Neverland!" I say. Where else would I be talking about? "Oh yeah it's always summer." he says.

"You are so lucky!!!" I says. He grabs his left shoulder in pain. "What happened?" I ask. "Got in a fight with a pirate." he says. "Let me see." I say. "Why?" he asks. "Because you're in pain. You looked at my injuries." I say. "True." he says standing up. He takes his shirt off! Holy shit! He has abs! He's so sexy!!! He sits back down. I look at his shoulder but the cut was on the front of his shoulder kind of close to his collar bone. The cut was huge and bleeding.

"Geez dude! You're bleeding!" I say getting up to get my first aid kit. "You have a first aid kid I your room?" he asks laughing a little. "I get injured a lot." I say getting stuff out. I get peroxide, a huge medical band aid and cleaning stuff since it looks pretty dirty. I go back over. "This might hurt." I say. I get the cleaning stuff out. I press down and his right hand flys to my left waist and he squeezes it. Of coarse one of my turn on spots! Fuck!

I started breathing heavier hoping he doesn't notice. Without making eye confab with him I blow on the cut hoping that would help. I take a quick glance at him and he's starring at me! I put peroxide on the cut then put the giant band aid on it. "Done." I say looking into his eyes. "Thank you." he says smiling. I want to kiss him! I run my fingers through his hair.

"How do you keep your hair up?" I ask. "It just stays." he says. I look at my waist. "Sorry." he says removing his hand. "You didn't have to move it." I say. Shit don't flirt you just met him you will make it awkward! I pick up the materials and put them back. "So why don't you want to grow up?" he asks me.

"There's no point in it. You just go to school for at least 14 years or more, get a job, work everyday, maybe get married and have kids then you have all the bills and payments and you get wrinkles and your hair goes gray. I don't want wrinkles!" I say. "I see." he laughs. "Come with me." he says. "What?" I ask him turning around to face him. "You said I'm so lucky and you don't want to grow up and you hate your life here. So come with me to Neverland" he says.

"I cannot fly." I say. "It's like the movies. Fairy dust and happy thoughts." he said. "I don't have any fairy dust." I say. "Tinkerbell!" he yells. I fast sparkly light thing flys in. It stops next to Peter. I can see when it stops that its a fairy. She's very beautiful and looks just as they show her in the movies. "Tink this is Zafina. Zafina this is Tink." he says.

"Very nice to meet you! Its so cool to be able to meet you!" I say not lying. She waves and smiles. "She's a fan of yours." Peter tells Tink smiling. She smiles. I don't think she can talk. Tinkerbell whispers in Peter's ear. Maybe she can talk. She's just so small she probably has to go right up to your ear.

"Yes she is. And she needs some dust to come with us." Peter says. I am what? Tinkerbell flys over me and spins in a circle over my head. I look at Peter and he stands in front of me. Happy thoughts? Okay. I think of Florida and my life back there. Peter smiles and looks down. Both our feet are off the ground! I move around. This is so cool! "2nd star to the right then straight on till morning." he says at the doors.

"Wait! I need to pack a bag. Right?" I ask landing on the ground. "If you want. But you don't have to carry it." he says. "How is my bag so post to think happy thoughts?" I joke. "Haha very funny. Tink can just cover it with fairy dust." he says.

"Alright." I say packing. "I will be right back I have to get my bathroom stuff." I say heading towards my door. "I want to come with you." he says. "Um alright but no one can see you." I say. We sneak out and grab the stuff I need and run back in my room. I pack my bag.

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