Chapter 19:

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Zafina's POV:

I can't wait till tomorrow when I get to end this pain and suffering. All of the sudden I smell something. I get up and go to the window. I smell again.! I smell FOOD!!! Where is it?! I smell McDonald's! I whip my chin I'm literally drooling! I finally see someone walking to me far away.

I can smell their food from here?! Wow! Finally I can see it's Milo with a huge bag of McDonald's!!! "Well hey there Zafina." he says when he gets to the window. "You want this?" he asks gesturing to the food. I nod. He sits down and pulls out what's in the bag. "Five 20 piece chicken nuggets!" he says stacking the boxes.

I've never literally drooled over food before! "Five large French fries!" he says putting them all together. I've never drooled this much before! "10 cheeseburgers!" he says pulling them out. I'm pretty sure my boobs are flattening from how hard I'm pressed up agains the wall!

"Every different kind of wrap they have." he says pulling them out. I'm just realizing he has more then one bag. "Last but not least 20 milkshakes, 10 vanilla and 10 chocolate!" he says pulling them out. I can't feel my hands there clenching on the bars so hard! "You want all this?" he asks. I nod. "All you gotta do is say you love me, kiss me, sleep with me, and stay with me forever." he says.

Sounds good to me! "And...kill Peter Pan." he adds. "What?" I want to ask but no words come out. I haven't been able to say anything out loud for about 2 weeks I believe. Turn out I wasn't drooling I was just imagining to drool. I don't have enough saliva to drool. I would be if I could though!

But wow kill Peter Pan?! I couldn't!...could I? I mean look at all this FOOD! No no I can't kill Peter! I shake my head no. I can just go on with my plan to die tomorrow. "Really?" he asks. He picks up a hamburger and opens it. I watch in amazement. He bites it slowly. Then does the same with a chicken nugget and some French fries.

Last he take sips of the milkshake. I feel the hollowness in my stomach yet again. "If I kiss you and say I love you can I get any of it?" I try to ask. "What?" "I can't talk." I mouth. "You can't talk?" he asks. I shake my head no. "To bad." he says. "If I kiss you can I get anything?" I mouth slowly and use some hand motions.

"Um sure if you kiss me I will give you something." he says. He leans down near me. "Wow you smell terrible!" he says. No dip asshole! He holds his breath and gets near my face I grab his shirt and pull him hard into the bars! He hits his head. He got knocked out just as planned.

I reach for the food but he put it to far away. I grab to pieces of the chair and reach. The only thing I can reach is one of the things if French fries. I carefully slowly lift it and bring it to the window. "Oops!" Milo says making me drop the French fries.

I thought he was knocked out! He made me drop them close enough where I can reach a few thought I grab them as fat as I can and devour them! He moves the rest away from me. "Smart girl." he says. "He picks up a nugget and waves it in front of my face. "Poor Zafina locked in a jail cell." he says.

Jail cell?! This is a jail cell?! I watch the nugget and bite it. "OW! FUCK!" he yells. I swallow the nugget. Why is he saying ow?! I whip my mouth and have blood on my hand. "Look what you did bitch!" he says showing me his finger.

I just ate part of his finger?! "You tasted good." I try to say. "Bitch! I hope you die nice and slow!" he yells. He gets up and begins to walk away. "Also I'm going to leave the food here. Not only to tease you but also so some critters from the woods might smell it and come and kill ya!" he says.

He runs away. I can't reach any of the food no matter what. I go back to the corner completely out of energy. Fuck! The last of my energy was used for that?! Shit! I need it to kill myself tomorrow! I close my eyes and try to ignore the smell of the food coming in.

Peter's POV:

Finally the bedroom lights shut off indicating that the parents in the foster home are in bed. "Leggo!" Trevor says. We fly to the boys window. It's barred shut. The front door has and alarm on it. Shit. "How are we so post to get in? You've been watching them!" Louis asks Harry.

"They just started putting the bars on the windows and they didn't have enough of them to put on one window." Harry says flying down. "I can't fit through that!" Louis says. "If I can, you can!" Harry says. "Do you see my ass?!" Louis says pointing to his bum.

We all laugh even me. It feels weird to laugh after you haven't in so long! "My bum is 2 of you." he says to Harry. "Fine stay out here." Harry says opening the window. It's a basement window and it is extremely small! We all to to squeeze a bit through it besides Trevor he's so small he just fit right through.

Louis got stuck when he got to his bum but we pulled him out. He went up the stairs to their kitchen. Then through their house. We got lost...their house is so big we got lost. We finally found the room. We walked in and all 5 of them were sleeping in there!

They have this huge house and they make the boys all share one room! That's ridiculous! Harry turns the light on. "Turn the light off." one of them says in a sleepy voice. Another moans. "Uh guys it's me...Harry. I told ya I'd be back for you." Harry says.

They all shoot up wide awake and get out of bed. "Boys this is Liam, Zayn, Louis, Trevor and Peter Pan." Harry said pointing to all of us as he says who we are. "Guys this is JC, Sam, Connor, Kian and Ricky." Harry says pointing to each of them as he says their names. "Wow the Peter Pan!" Connor says in amazement.

"That would be me." I say smiling. Gotta love the fans. "So you want us as lost boys?!" Ricky asks. "Yeah. You see Hook is planning on attacking us so we need more lost boys to help us fight." I say. "Also to help save my sister." Trevor adds.

"Hooks got her locked in an old jail cell! She's been there for 6 weeks!" Liam says. "She's still alive?!" Sam asks. Yes! She better be! He catches me glaring at him. "I mean like wow she's very brave and strong to still be alive." he adds. "Teach us to fly!" Connor says excitedly.

Thank you Tink for making me always carry around a sack of fairy dust! I give them some and the all go into the air. "Wait can we bring our dog?!" JC asks. "Um sure. There is a dog already there though so if your dog can't get along with other dog then no it can't come." I say. "He will be alright. Come here Wishbone!" JC calls for his dog.

Wishbone?? I give him some fairy dust for his dog. It's a small dog. Im not sure what kind but small. They all pick up a suitcase each for themselves. Wow they had there bags packed for when we came to take them away! We smash through the window and are off back to Neverland.

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