Chapter 20:

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Peter's POV:

We get back and the boys have to sleep in my living room all together. I feel bad because they came here to not have what they had at there old home and they have to share a room again. It's just for tonight hopefully. They can make their houses tomorrow if we have time. I can't wait for tomorrow to be honest. I have missed Zafina so much! I can't imagine her condition right now! Please let her be alive!


Zafina's POV:

Finally I see the sun rising! I'm actually excited for today! The day all my pain and suffering ends! I write a mark on the walk for today. I should leave a note for Peter. Just in case he ever finds my body. Highly doubt but you never know.

I look around. I pick up a piece of the chair and try to scratch the wall. I can't write a note the way I have been making marks for each day. I made marks by scratching it with my nails. That would take way to long to write a note! I look down and see the rat still in my hand. Smee! I look around.

It must have been a dream after all. The rat surprisingly is still bleeding some. I dip my finger where it's bleeding then begin to write. I could write it in blood! I get the bucket of blood and carry it over to the wall. Well drag it over. Im not strong enough anymore to lift it. I begin to write hoping this works.

Lost boys and Peter: I'm so sorry. This is not your fault! I love all! Thank you for everything. -Zafina

I write. I wish I could write more but it's hard work writing in blood! I look out the window. I can see the sun over the hills. I will wait till later and enjoy my last day alive.

Peter's POV:

I wake up early and smile today is the day! I get to kill pirates and save my love! All the boys are waking up as well. I told everyone we had to wake up early to get ready for the fight. We explain the plan to the new boys then start getting ready. Damn when this fight is all over with we're all going to be pretty busy we have to build houses for Zafina, Trevor and all the new guys.

We have some of Zafina's house. Smee said the pirates plan was that they were going to come, hide and surround all of us then at the right moment attack. Apparently they we're going to come and hide at about noon. Our plan was to set up a bunch of booby traps for them then attack. It takes until about 11:30am to set up all the booby traps.

The only one that wasn't around helping was Trevor of coarse. I don't know where he ran off to. It was finally 11:30 and we were done! "Where's the other dude?" JC asked. "Trevor?" Liam asked. "Don't know. Haven't seen him all day." I say. "Oh." JC says. "That's rude that he didn't even help." Connor says. "Doesn't surprise me. He's a total dick." I say. "Ah c'mon. I'm not all that bad." I hear Trevor say from behind us. We turn.

He had a pile of...things...I'm not sure what laying in the ground next to him. Scarecrows maybe? "What are those?" Ricky asks. "These are us!" he says holding 2 of them up. They were life size dolls of Kian and Louis! "What are they for?" Kian asks. "I was thinking we could set these up and hide in the trees and when they attack these we could pop out on them!" Trevor says smiling. I hate to admit that's a pretty damn good plan.

Everyone looks at me. "Sure." I say. All the guys go and pick up their dolls and examine them. I pick up mine. It's creepy how accurate they look! "Wow you even got my bum right!" Louis says. We all laugh. We set up the dolls then go up in the trees around the area. We all have a weapon. I have do admit I think probably Harry has the coolest weapon. He's had that thing since forever and it's awesome! It's like all the weapons mixed together!

I don't know how to explain it but its very cool! A little while later we see the pirates all start to hide. A few minutes later they charge towards the dolls. Many get beat by our booby traps. Hook pushes through and starts stabbing my doll! He picks it up and realizes its a doll. "No! Where are they?!" he yells. Other pirates have stabbed the other dolls and realized what they were to. We all charge down and attack. These pirates seriously suck at fighting! About an hour later I remember Zafina.

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