Leo: Place Holder

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    Leo at the top. Pic owned by my sis. They look older than 14 so designs aren't official. Thanks for reading and sorry for the delay I hope you like it. ^.^

They had thrown him in a dumpster. Last week's sloppy joe was stuck in the twelve-year old's wavy hair. When he was able to pull himself out of the pit of garbage he loitered around the back of the school. He reeked so bad his eyes watered. Food and vomit stained his clothes. Finally too ashamed to go back to class he decided to hang around the loading docks. No one had come here for ages. The place was usually deserted, or so he thought.

Leo seated himself on the floor and scrolled through his phone tears never leaving his eyes. It was a combination of the horrible smell seeping permanently into his  clothes along with being thrown into the dumpster in the first place. His bright purple striped shirt was turning brown in the sun and his tight blue jeans were holding in not only his privates but random sewage from the garbage. This was his favorite outfit too. He sighed and didn't look up from his phone. He was okay with avoiding reality for a while. Maybe Fredrick would realize he wasn't in history class and find him. It was wishful thinking but it had happened before. Fredrick was the straightest guy he knew, therefore, the weirdest and most insecure guy he knew. Straight men had such fragile masculinity. He smiled a little at least he didn't have to worry about that.

Leo was scrolling through random images of hot celebrities(male of course) when an annoyed voice spoke to him. "Wow, you reek, conformist."

His head shot up and he instantly blushed. A boy in a black polo shirt and black dress pants stared at him with dead shark eyes. "Oh, I'm sorry! It's just some homo bashers threw me in a dumpster... Took me twenty minutes to get out just because I'm not too tall or strong... Sometimes I think I should stop ditching gym, ha."

The goth boy looked away annoyed. "That's interesting as hell ,now scram." Leo smiled at him. He was cute and hostile and for some reason he liked it. "Besides any conformist who even thinks about going to gym shouldn't be in my space."

"Oh, well okay. Can I at least finish this slideshow? Did you know Justin Timberlake's curly hair is so much cuter than his current haircut!" Firkle was beyond annoyed at this point. Random conformists trying to find a place to hide out from class were always popping up in his space. This guy was by far the most conformist. Definitely a Justin wannabe. Maybe if he humored him he'd go away.

"Yeah. Agreed." The conformist smiled wider.

"Really do you think he's cute!" Firkle closed his eyes annoyed.

"Sure." The kid looked ecstatic now and took a strand of wavy hair in his own hand looking at it thoughtfully.

He looked to the goth again. "Do people ever mess with you?" There was a split second frown and Leo regretted asking that question.

"No, those kids who threw you in the dumpster. You should burn their houses down." Now the conformist let out a laugh and Firkle was annoyed. Couldn't he just leave? The stench was starting to make his eyes sting, he didn't feel like ruining his mascara today.

"I never thought about that."

"Well, that's why they're still picking on you. I'd do that."

"You're really cynical, huh?" Firkle's eye twitched. Leo looked at his black eyes and realized how much he liked them. His own eyes were grayish brown.

"You don't have to say anything I'm probably annoying you with my big mouth and smell. LOL. Anyway, I'll get out of your way maybe I'll see you around?"

"Whatever." Leo grabbed his things and started to walk away.

"Hey... Thanks for talking to me." Firkle nodded.

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