Honesty is the best policy

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originally I was going to write some chapters in the pandemic era of South Park since I mentioned it in a previous chapter but I decided to scrap that which meant a lot of rewriting whoops. Also was going to write this book in a different directino but changed my mind also life got in the way. Sorry for the very overdue updates I swear I'll finish this. I might end this and make a sequel I'm not sure yet tbh. Anyway thank you for reading I appreciate it ^.^

-animefreakduh (me)

"What should I do if I know something I shouldn't know but I do know and I know that it's really bad for the person? Like I know I don't know a lot of stuff but for once I think I know that at least." He shifted awkwardly trying and failing to say the words coherently. 

"Mmkay, well uh..." The big headed counselor looked at his papers before speaking, "Frederick you're going to have to give me more to go on."

"Well I know for a fact that this girl I really like is doing something she shouldn't be doing. And a part of me feels like I'm just jealous but the reasonable part of me knows that what I saw is really fucked up."

"Mmkay, what exactly is she doing?"

"I can't tell you. If I did she'd kill me. Besides isn't that breaking her trust, like I asked her if she wanted me to help her but she told me to get lost."

"Hmm. Have you maybe thought about writing a letter?"

"A letter?" He ran a hand through his hair nervously.

"Yeah, It might be good to get all your feelings down and talk to this girl about it. Honestly is the best policy, mmkay?"

Frederick couldn't help but see that Mr. Mackey's gaze was transfixed on something. He looked around the office and his eyes landed on a poster above his own head. Mr. Mackey was referencing to a pink shiny poster with a kitten licking its paw. Above the kitten were the words 'honesty is the best policy'. It made him uncomfortable that Mr. Mackey's professional advice came from a poster. Frederick sighed a little. This wasn't too helpful but it felt nice to talk to someone about Karen even if he couldn't name her outright.


Leo's arms were wrapped around Firkle's torso as they made out on Leo's couch. It had taken Firkle a lot of practice to ease into kissing let alone making out. Now he could do so perfectly. His brain turned off and his mind went on autopilot. He hummed a little and Leo smiled letting his arms reach Firkle's lower back.

The cynical goth laughed a little, "Mmm, Ike" 

Leo's hands dropped and he immediately pulled away. "Uhh..."

"Fuck." Firkle cursed.

Leo backed away so quickly that he fell off the couch. "Fuck!"

"I-I d-didn't." Firkle was stammering like an idiot while Leo stayed on the floor looking to the ceiling. He couldn't imagine looking Firkle in the eyes right now.

"You were thinking about him while we were making out?"

Firkle bit his lip not knowing how to respond. Maybe it was time he stopped kidding himself.

Leo sighed knowing he already knew the answer. Firkle's gaze went to the door. Maybe he could run away and Leo would just forget about it tomorrow. Instead his "boyfriend" stood up and spoke in an empty but sure tone.

"I'm breaking up with you." 

Firkle shot him an angry glare. "W-what?"

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