Karen: A New Face

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So I brought this book back because I'm almost done rewriting it. I'll update as much as possible. I m on break so expect new stuff coming :) Thanks!

Kenny couldn't drive Karen to school. That's the only reason why she was freezing her butt off in the Colorado winter. She shoved her purple mittens in her pockets just as two other kids arrived. They weren't kids she really knew all too well. Karen wasn't necessarily the social type. All of elementary she was bullied for having Kenny as her perverted brother and believing in her guardian angel who no one believed in. When Mysterion did show up, she was then made fun of for being a sissy who couldn't stand up for herself, there was no winning. Her therapist said that her anti-social actions were fueled by the fact that instead of going out and making friends when she was little she was talking to her dolls or watching T.V to drown out her family's domestic violence. Still there was no point in dwelling on her pathetic home life and social life but maybe high school could change that.

As soon as Karen's feet hit the floor after a terribly long bus ride  she felt refreshed, like all the crap she had gone through last year just vanished. The feeling soon left when she looked at the huge intimidating building ahead of her. She really didn't want to go in alone, still she had to. She took a deep breath and and started walking.

"SORRY!" Karen was thrown back by a boy who was in an obvious rush to get somewhere, she landed on the snow and cursed realizing she'd get her butt wet. She glanced up to see the boy and noticed Ike in his baby blue jacket, beanie, and GO CANADA shirt. He looked back with a split-second smile and disappeared through the door.

"Damn." She muttered. To say that Karen hated Ike was exaggerating, maybe even untrue, she didn't know if she hated him. Ike was a social butterfly a perfect outgoing gentleman, but only to other people just like him. To people like Karen who were quiet and kept to themselves Ike didn't care for, there wasn't enough time in a day for him to notice them, they might as well be invisible. She didn't even want to mention how Ike had totally made fun of her in elementary for not being able to add correctly by the age of ten and ditching her for more 'sophisticated' friends. Ike was a friend she was supposed to inherit because of Kenny being Kyle's friend but apparently that didn't work. Kenny wasn't even allowed to say anything about Ike's behavior because it was Kyle's little 'bwother', as Kyle teased, he didn't know any better. She stood up, okay, second try. The beginning to her new life started-

"Out of my way conformist." He didn't touch Karen, no he was just coming up the sidewalk then started walking in front of her like she didn't exist. She only got a glimpse of his face before he disappeared into the school. Greasy, mangled hair, black eyeliner and a plain black polo shirt to go with his black pants. She swore she heard a car drive away as soon as the school doors closed behind him. She wanted to look back but she was still stunned. Who was that, she couldn't think of a word... Hot definitely didn't fit him, adorable was a word for kittens, dolls, and stickers, sophisticated was Ike's thing...


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