Kyle: Match Maker

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Ike was on the floor in the living room again. All he was doing was groaning in pain like he was going to die. Of course, his pain wasn't physical. Twice his mother urged Kyle to take him to the E.R. There was nothing wrong with Ike he was just being pathetic in his self-loathing. He couldn't take a heartbreak and was choosing to do nothing about it. So all Ike decided to do today was lye on the floor, stare at the ceiling, and cry out in pain. Kyle could stand it for an hour but now three hours into waking up Kyle was getting annoyed especially since they were out of creamer for coffee. He hovered over his little brother giving him the most aggravated look he could. Ike stopped groaning to stare blankly at him. 

"OK that's it! You have to get over this starting now! Get up!" Ike sighed then continued to groan out in pain. Kyle had enough. He grabbed Ike's arms and forced him to his feet. 

"Okay, now what?" He said dully. Kyle growled.

"Do something with your break! God damn it, Ike! This is not the Ike I know! Get back up! Come on, don't let this kill you!" Kyle wished his words had the amazing effect to turn him into a new person, but all Ike did in response was walk up the stairs and slam his bedroom door. Kyle groaned, annoyed. Would his brat of a brother ever get over this? He sat on the couch and stared at the T.V.

It wasn't till about dinner time did Kyle go back upstairs. Ike was on the floor groaning as if he was dying. "For God's sake get up." Kyle hissed. Ike bit his lip.

"Are you just being unhelpful because I'm upset over a guy and not a girl?" Kyle groaned annoyed.

"No, Ike! I just want you to move on!"

Ike finally got off the floor and right into his big brother's face. "Admit it you hate that I'm gay! Admit it!"


"Admit it, you hate that I'm different, and that's one of the many reasons you left!"

"You're being irrational."

"Am I?" A frustrated sigh left Kyle's  mouth.

"Okay fine... It's true I don't necessarily like that you're gay." There were tears in Ike's eyes.

"I didn't mean for you to actually... Did I provoke you so far you'd stoop to lying.. Are you trying to shut me up by telling me what you think you want me to hear? Please, please tell me you are." Kyle shook his head, sadly.

"I wanted mom to have at least one normal son."

Ike clenched his teeth. "But you're, you're straight..." Kyle smiled.

"Not until mom found a butt naked Stan in my college dorm when she came for a surprise visit. The single most embarrassing moment in my life." Ike threw himself onto his bed.

"Why have you never told me!" He screamed.

"Because you're Ike! You're in your own goddamn la la land. You're  deep in five feet of shit but hey you don't really give a fuck because you're the fucking prince charming of your own la la land. You haven't even thought once to ask about me or consider how mom feels! You're a fucking brat." Ike stared at him in awe,  even Kyle seemed taken back by his words. He could only think of one final thing to say, there was really only one reason Kyle came here in the first place.

"Dinner's ready." With that, he raised his middle finger high in the sky and slammed the door.

He wasn't really thinking much about anything or doing anything downstairs. He had a plate of untouched food in front of him and water. Maybe he should've been nicer, fuck. The doorbell rang and Ike finally talked to Kyle for the first time in hours. "Kyle, can you get that!" Ike yelled then continued his annoying whining. It was a lot less noticeable from downstairs especially with his bedroom door closed. Kyle put the T.V volume up drowning out Ike's complaining and answered the door. He laughed to himself when he saw the goth standing there.

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