Ike:"Little" Brother

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"Bubbe I wish you were still at home." The redhead smiled softly.

"Aw, ma you're exaggerating. I bet Ike is doing fine. He's probably doing a lot better than I was in high school." She looked down wondering if she should rebut his statement.

"Bubbe, he has an F." Kyle kept his smile. So, Ike had one F. What did it matter?  

"Mom, it's just one-"

"What about Harvard, scholarships. Ike is so ambitious he loses track." Kyle sighed. There was no doubt about that. Ike was the IT child in South Park. He had the brains of a Broflovski and the cool looks of his Canadian parents, he wasn't cursed with his adoptive dad's nose or his mom's red hair. He played with older kids all the time ever since he was three, nothing scared him so he was just South Park's greatest. 

"Mom, Ike doesn't need to be the smartest-"

"Knock knock?" The two turned towards the front door where Ike was peeking in but staring down at his phone. "The trashcan has arrived." He declared.

Kyle smiled and walked over to him opening the door so he wouldn't hit himself on it since he was so distracted with his cell phone. "Hey, Ike! How's everything? You heard us didn't you?" His little brother shrugged not moving his eyes from his phone.

"Yeah, I'm furious, blah, blah, blah. I'll be in my room." There was a bing from his phone and he smiled typing on his phone.

"What? No hug for your big brother?" 

Ike was already halfway up the stairs. "Not now, Firkle and I are debating over the cuteness of cats versus the ferocious dog. I'll see you at dinner." With that he continued walking up the steps luckily he knew the steps well enough not to trip especially since his eyes never left his cell phone. 

Kyle gave his mom a confused look. She shrugged knowingly. Maybe this whole getting off track thing was becoming a problem.

Ike: Why are you asking about Thanksgiving?

Firkle: My mom can't cook for shit.

Ike: Oh...

Firkle: I hate when you get all silent. How the hell am I supposed to respond to 'Oh'?

Ike: Sorry, I just don't know how to respond to that. Do you maybe want to come over for Thanksgiving at my house? Karen might come over. It'll be like we're a little family and Karen's our kid.

Firkle: She looks nothing like me. Who have you been sleeping around with?

Ike: Ha ha. You know what I mean.

Firkle: I'll ask Michael, he's determined to get me to spend another Thanksgiving with my mom.

Ike: Why? Aren't I good enough?

Firkle: I'm still not sure where Michael stands on you per se.

Ike: Per se? Who have you been hanging around?

Firkle: SHUT UP! Damn Pete is bringing Mike around everywhere we go. It's a pain.

Ike: Why can't you pick up my cute mannerisms?

Firkle: You don't have any. And cute? Are you calling Mike cute?

Ike: So Thanksgiving is a maybe?

Firkle: Evasion, smart boy. But yeah, it's a maybe. I bet you haven't even asked your mom. Who by the way hates me.

Ike: She doesn't hate you! 

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