Firkle/Ike: Karen McCormick

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Pic credited to amytehjinxy

Human behavior was always something Firkle and Ike agreed on. Ike's view was more scientific though, whereas Firkle just thought people were contradicting. They said one thing but did another. It was a cold day and he hated the cold because that meant he had to take a stupid sweater. He took a deep breath clung to his sweater and walked out the door.

Ike twirled the loose ends of his black scarf in his hands. He was waiting at the bus stop looking out for Firkle. The girl from yesterday was here too, Ike didn't really remember her name but she looked vaguely familiar. Every few seconds she'd look at Ike and scowl then go back to looking towards the sidewalk as if expecting someone. After a few awkward minutes of standing in the cold with the strange teen standing far from him, Firkle finally appeared out of breath. He scowled at Ike silently cursing him for having had to run. Ike just smiled.

He wanted to say something to Firkle, and it seemed like the stranger at the bus stop did too because she was walking up to him. She stopped a few feet away looked at the ground and said, "Hi, my name's-" The bus appeared. Firkle marched on the bus leaving both Ike and the brown haired girl in the dust. Ike stared at the girl for a few seconds. What was up with her? She looked dully at him.

"Are you getting on, or what?" The Mexican bus driver asked in an annoyed voice. The brunette who had been scowling at Ike with all her hatred smiled perky at the driver.

"Of course, good morning!" She stomped up the steps as best as a girl as small as she could. Ike hesitantly followed, he hated that it looked like he was basically mimicking her actions. He liked being unique it had a cool opaqueness to it.

The bus dropped them off and Ike headed into the school hoping Ruby wouldn't try finding him. He dashed to the janitor's closet and immediately got his phone out.

Ike: Hey, I'm here.

Firkle: No shit, I saw you run like...

Ike: Hey, I left you perplexed! Cool.

Firkle: You're weird.

Ike: You know this is the moment I would use a 'stupid' emoji if I didn't know you'd block my number after that hasty decision or change yours.

Firkle: Open the door.

Ike expected the goth to join him in the close quarters but Firkle just stood staring at him. He had his arms crossed, oh God, Ike panicked, was he mad? Oh, God... He didn't SOUND mad... Not over text, God damn it why didn't this guy use those dumb little icons! If you can't express your fucking emotions in words then click on one, just one, one warning, the thoughts were racing through his mind as Firkle stared at him.

"Can we talk, conformist?" Ike wanted to cry at the word conformist, Firkle never called him a conformist, then he remembered that people were walking passed them, looking their way, they were in public, of course, Firkle would call the peppy Ike, a conformist. He smiled trying to ease his nerves. Then looking at Firkle's unmoved expression he nodded a thousand times, talk, he could do that.

The loading docks were where they ate lunch but today they were going to talk. That idea made Ike more nervous. He was never good at talking, he always sounded so smart, so annoying. So, conformist as Firkle called it. It's also why he liked the kissing and other stuff more than the talking, that stuff was easier. Firkle played with his pant's pockets obviously trying hard not to start the conversation. Ike gave a heavy sigh.

"What is it?" Immediately he regretted his words. His voice was too demanding, too eager for this conversation to be done, his words even showed a hint of exasperation. Firkle's eye twitched in annoyance. Still, he kept whatever anger he had under check.

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