Chapter 44: Day 3 Night

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Chapter 44: Day 3 Night

“I know Rolla,” Selma chuckled. “Bus to the motel.”

“And we are transferring buses five times so we can’t be tracked in case anybody catches on or recognizes us,” John said.

“I just want to make sure.”

“It’s okay, but we got it.”

“Good luck,” Pilote said.

“We’ll meet you there,” Topanga said.

They both nodded.

“Goodbye,” Selma hugged me.

“Goodbye,” I managed.

I hugged John next, “Bye.”

“Bye, see you there.”

I nodded and pulled away, “Go ahead.”

                        I blinked my eyes and when I opened them again they were gone, just like that. I could feel the breeze from their departure against my arms as Pilote took my hand. The hard floor against my bare feet felt colder all of the sudden. There are only three chosen ones left. Three chosen ones, Topanga, and Sam.

“Let’s go to the living room,” I said.

“What should we do?” Layal asked.

“I don’t know,” I replied. “Suggestions?”

                        We turned around and were ready to push the book down to go back to the house when Miranda ran down. Her dark hair tangled everywhere and filled with dirt. It looked like she was just in a fight or hasn’t showered in a week.

“How did you get in here?”

“I ran into John and Selma on the way down and they let me in before they left,” she answered.

“What happened to you?” Topanga asked. “Are you okay?”

“My family didn’t take it well,” she answered, “and they’re not happy.”

“Where have you been? We have not seen you since the spell.”

“I know, but before I explain can I sit down somewhere?”

“Sure,” I nodded, “Let’s go to the kitchen.”

                        I put my arm around her and waited for the rest of them to head to the kitchen before I followed behind with Miranda. She mumbled something I could not understand a few times before going silent again. I sat her down on one of the chairs and Pilote handed her a cup of coffee.

She took a sip of coffee and a few deep breaths before saying anything else. “I don’t know where to start,” she finally said. “So much has happened since I left here.”

“Just start at when you first left here,” I told her. “What happened when you went back to your family?”

“They were furious just like I said they would be,” she answered. “Everyone in the house started screaming at me for ruining everything. They said that thanks to me you would all feel superior to everyone else forever. That you would rule over everyone instead of living with everyone. My mother took out her spell book and said she was going to perform a spell to banish me forever. The spell would make sure that I forget everything about witches and Tigmas.”

“That obviously didn’t work,” Topanga said. “What happened next?”

“My mom was going to start the spell when my grandmother stepped forward and took the spell book from her. My mom was stunned. My grandmother does not say anything. She stays in the room silent. Nobody ever knows what she’s thinking about. She stepped forward and spoke. She said that I am the doppleganger of a trusted, beloved, and powerful witch from a long time ago. She said something else about there being a bigger plan for me than anyone could ever predict. The book sat back down on her table and she sat back down again.”

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