Chapter 24: Secret Against the World

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Chapter 24: Secret Against the World

            We waited as long as I told the chosen ones we would wait before having a meeting with my dad in his office. We were all sitting down in chairs and dad was behind his desk. I’m surprised he even has enough chairs for us in here. He must have just had them made because it’s not a particularly large room.

“We have a proposition,” I told him.

“What’s that?” dad asked.

“We don’t like all the cameras,” Pilote said.

“For the ball it was okay because it was a big deal,” I explained. “It was the first time a lot of Tigmas have ever seen us, but not for our day to day activities. Sometimes they keep their distance, but they still have cameras in their hands most of the time. We don’t want cameras following us when we’re going to gymnastics or going to visit our families. We want our privacy because we’re going to need when we plan for this war. Not everyone in Murera can know our plans.”

“Our proposition is to have an event every month to keep everyone update on what’s happening,” Pilote said. “We’ll have an event or meeting once a month where people will be allowed to take all the pictures they want as long as they don’t take pictures while we’re doing our daily activities.”

Dad brought his fingers up to his chin, thinking about it.

“That sounds fair,” he finally agreed, “but it’ll take a few days to get it organized.”

“That’s okay,” I said.

“Yeah,” Teegan agreed, “We’re okay with that.”

“Okay then,” he said, “I’ll work things out and get back to Rolla when it’s done.”

“Thanks dad,” I smiled.

“You better get going to gymnastics class,” he said. “I heard your mom’s waiting for you. The rest of you, it was good seeing you.”

“Yeah,” I laughed, “I’ll see you guys later.”

            I hugged Pilote and kissed him quickly. I waved goodbye to dad and the chosen ones and walked to gymnastics class. Everyone was already there and mom was working with one of the younger girls. I got changed quickly in the locker room and started warming up on the mat. I worked on my own while waiting for mom to get free.

“Hey sweetheart,” mom walked up to me over ten minutes later.

“Hey mom,” I smiled. “So what’s up? Dad said you were waiting for me.”

“Well I’m so impressed with your talents here that I just thought you should know that you’ve soared to the top of the list.”

“Top of the list?!” I screeched. I covered my mouth realizing how loud I was and laughed.

Mom laughed too, “Yes, you are the best gymnast in this gym. You’re a fast learner.”

“That’s amazing, but the other gymnasts aren’t mad are they?”

“Why would they be mad?” she asked.

“Well I know a couple of them already don’t like me and they’re probably not happy that I’ve passed them when I haven’t been here very long. They’ll probably think it’s only because you’re my parents.”

“They’ll be fine. I’ll talk to them.”


“You better get on with your workout,” she told me. “I think bars are open.”

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