Chapter 34: Spy Reunion

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Chapter 34: Spy Reunion

“Why are we doing this again?” I asked Pilote.

“She wants to be remembered,” he stated.


“Well she’s about to have her dream come true.”

“What’s your plan and why aren’t you thinking about it?” I asked him.

“Just trust me on this one.”

                        We walked into the police station and they led us back to Nikki’s cell where she was still being held. She stood up from her bed as she saw us coming. Crossing her arms, she stood in front of us right behind the bars. I tried looking into Pilote’s mind again to see what he was thinking, but still no luck. He’s not thinking about it on purpose. He’s thinking about how small the cells are.

“You still want to be remembered?” he asked.

“What’s in it for me?” Nikki asked.

“I think I just told you.”

She nodded, “I’m in. What do I have to do?”

“That depends on whose side you’re on.”

She sighed, “I’m on the side of the Tigmas, okay? While I’ve been here waiting for Rolla I’ve had time to think and the Silthras were probably just gonna kill me anyway. Using people is practically the definition of Silthra. Now… what do you need me to do?”

“I need you to go back to the Silthra,” Pilote told her.

“What?!” I told him. “What is this about?”

“I’m getting there,” he told me. “I need you to go to the Silthra and tell them you’re a spy from the Tigmas and you know all about their plan. Try to get them to think Jasmine is a liar. If anybody can do that, it’s you.”

She nodded, “Good point. What’s the plan?”

“All you need to know is that the chosen ones are doing a sneak attack on the Silthra using the school. The school is our only connection. That’s what you need to convince them of.”

“What do you think the sister’s going to say?”

“Her name’s Jasmine,” I corrected her.

“Whatever,” Nikki rolled her eyes, “What does she know?”

Pilote looked over at me, “That’s your secret to tell.”

“She knows about the school connection, but she also knows about us not going to the school anymore. I tried to hide things from her, but I know she was suspicious.”

“Let me get this straight, I have to convince the Silthra that Jasmine’s a liar and make sure they believe that your only plan of attack is through the school?”

“Exactly,” Pilote nodded.

“What’s the real plan?” she asked.

                        Just then I snuck myself into Nikki’s mind to see her thoughts. I expected her to be thinking of some evil plan to screw us over, but she was truly interested. She thinks this is her redemption; her way of being remembered. This is exactly why Pilote wanted to talk to her; he knew she would feel like this.

“We’re working on the real plan,” I told her.

“But it has nothing to do with the school?” she asked.

Pilote shook his head, “The school is going to be the decoy.”

“We’re all going separately,” I told her.

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