Chapter 39: Caprika and Odyss Say Goodbye

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Chapter 39: Caprika and Odyss Say Goodbye

                        I opened my eyes with a jolt. I was surrounded by white with Caprika and Odyss right in front of me. I must be sleeping. I knew they would come to talk to me some time before we leave to fight for the war. This must mean it is goodbye. I don’t think they will come to talk to me anymore through my dreams. After the war they will have no reason to.

“You are quite right my dear Rolla,” Caprika said, “but that does not mean it is goodbye. After all, we are always looking over for all of you. No matter what happens during the war we will always be looking out for you; therefor it is never goodbye.”

I smiled, “You two are really good Gods, you know that? I’m really happy I’m a Tigma.”

“We know you are Rolla. We just have a few more things to say to you before the war,” Odyss told me.

“Okay. What is it?”

“Seth is very right about all his calculations,” Caprika said, “And tell him to use his powers very wisely for something could go very wrong in a split second.”

I nodded, “I will tell him.”

“There’s only one more thing,” Odyss said, “and I don’t know how you are going to take it.”

“What is it?” I asked alarmed.

Caprika held her hand up, “I know you are panicked Rolla, but you must be very rational when we tell you this. Seth is very precise with his calculations and plans, but he’s only saving a certain number of people.”

“What are you saying?” Seconds after I asked I realized what she was trying to say and I shook my head, “No… no, no you’re not telling me this. I can’t hear it.”

“Rolla, you have to be prepared for the vast amount of deaths that are going to come of this. We told you to become family and you did, but now it’s time to say goodbye to that family.”

Tears rolled down my cheeks, “I don’t want to say goodbye to them; I can’t. I know there was a chance that I lose them, but I can’t lose everyone else.”

“Rolla,”Odyss stopped my thinking, “You’re not facing the real problem here.”

“Then what is the real problem?” I asked.

“These people will be dying around you,” Caprika said, “and you can’t lose your concentration. You have to keep fighting no matter what else you are watching happen around you.”

“So if I see one of my best friends die I can’t go help them?”

“No,” Odyss answered, “You can’t.”

“This will be a difficult task for you,” Caprika said, “because I know how much you care about everyone, but it’s up to you to stay concentrated on the task at hand. You can honor every Tigma once the war is over, but when the fighting is going on you can only worry about the fighting at hand. Got it?”

I slowly nodded, “Do I have a choice?”

Odyss shook his head.

“What will happen if I don’t?”

“A lot more people will die,” He replied.

“Fine,” I said, “Then I’ll do it.”

“We’ve given you enough time to process everything,” Caprika said, “But we are still very sorry. We just want you to have everything you need to win this war.”

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