Chapter 21: Do Not Disrespect the Gods

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Chapter 21: Do Not Disrespect the Gods

            I shouldn’t have been surprised when I fell asleep that night and woke up with Caprika and Odyss. I stood up and faced them; if they know everything then they know how angry I am about the fact that I was shot.

“How could you do this?!” I yelled at them. “How could you not warn me?! I got shot!”

“Rolla, you must understand we can’t tell you everything about your future. We had to let that happen.”

“Why?! What good reason is there for me to get shot?!”

“You have to trust us Rolla,” Odyss said.

“How can I trust you now?”

“Rolla, bad things happen every day,” Caprika said, “And you have to accept when these things happen. They make you a stronger person and you’ll be ready to face what’s to come.”

“What is to come?” I asked.

“If you know everything you’ll die.”

“What?” I asked confused.

“Just follow our rules.”

“What rules?!” I yelled. “You keep saying these things that don’t make any sense! Take me back home I don’t want to be here anymore!”


“No! Stop! I can’t accept this! I don’t! First you tell me I have to get closer with the chosen ones then I can’t get close to my parents or my sister and now I get shot?!”

“Do not disrespect us!” Odyss yelled. He had a deep, loud voice that shut me up immediately. “You don’t disrespect Gods Rolla. I’m sure even you know that.”

I sighed, “Okay, I’m sorry but what reason could there be for me to get shot not once, but twice in my lifetime?”

“You’re a leader Rolla,” Caprika spoke. “That means people look up to you, but also a lot of people hate you. You’ll be a target to a lot of people, which means you have to be strong to handle it. We didn’t bring you here because you were shot.”

“Then why did you bring me here?” I asked.

“Will you stay calm?” Odyss asked.

I nodded, “I promise I’ll be calm.”

Caprika started telling me, “We weren’t going to tell you this, but after today’s events you really need to know. As soon as we tell you it must stay to yourself and the chosen ones. You can’t do anything to stop it and we’re not doing it to ruin any kind of relationships you have. We just know what’s going to happen; we can’t stop anything from happening.”

“If we could stop things then we would have stopped this whole war from happening,” Odyss added.

“What are you trying to tell me?”

“Jasmine’s going to betray you.”


“Rolla, don’t get mad. She’s going to betray you in the war.”

“How? What will she do?”

Odyss shook his head, “We’ve already told you too much.”

“But don’t let this affect your relationship with her.”

“How can it not affect my relationship with her? She’s my sister and she’s going to betray me!”

“She won’t just betray you; she’s going to betray your whole family and your race. Keep an eye on her, but don’t stop her from anything.”

I nodded, “Fine.”

“But you must act normal.”

“Why did you tell me this?”

“Because,” Caprika said, “we thought you needed to know that’s why she wasn’t going to fight. Her whole heart isn’t in it because she doesn’t believe what we’re trying to do is right.”

“That’s why?”

Caprika and Odyss both nodded.

“Can I go back now?”

“Be good, sweet Rolla.”

“Thank you… for warning me. I love you and I’ll always look up to you for guidance.”

“We know you will Rolla. Go back to sleep.”

            I woke up with a nurse putting ointment and medicine over my wound. I looked next to me and Pilote was still asleep.

“I didn’t mean to wake you,” the nurse said. “I’m sorry, but your parents gave me specific instructions.”

I shook my head, “That’s okay. I needed to wake up anyway. What’s your name?”


I smiled, “It’s nice to meet you Nancy. Thank you for taking care of my soul mate and I.”

“Trust me, it’s my pleasure.”

“Can I ask you something?”

“Of course, my leader.”

“Please call me Rolla.”

“Okay, Rolla.”

“How do you know who to trust? I mean, in a big war like this isn’t it hard?”

She nodded, “Learning to trust is always hard.”

“How do you do it?” I asked.

“Sometimes all it takes it to look into their eyes. The eyes say a lot about a person. If that doesn’t work then I guess you have to really get to know them. Until you know them, you can never really be sure. Is there a reason you ask?”

I shrugged, “I’m just thinking. I really don’t like that people look up to me because I really don’t know what I’m doing.”

She smiled, “A lot of the great leaders didn’t know what they were doing either. A lot of the great decisions started out as just dumb luck. Dumb luck works for a lot of us.”

“You believe in luck?”

“I like to keep my mind wide open. That way, anything’s a possibility.”

I smiled, “I like that.”

“Did I help you?”

I nodded, “In more ways than one. Thank you.”

“You’re welcome Rolla. I’ve already put on Pilote’s medicine so I’ll be back in a few hours. Your parents and cook should be in here soon to check up on you.”



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