Scott Mcall Imagine for Dayja Part 1:

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Earlier today you found out after a few days of throwing up at you were pregnant by your boyfriend Scott.

You were nervous and afraid to tell him, for you did not know how he would react or take it.

Unfortunately for you, you two were invited to a party at Lydia's that involved drinking.

You were the person to always let loose and drink and now you can't and your hoping no one figures it out.

Once Scott picks you up and you get to the party he admittedly expects you to run for the drinks but you don't and that confuses him.

"Dayja, how come your not drinking today" he asks and you suddenly get extremely nervous. "Yeah Dayja you're always the first to drink" stiles says and all of your friend look at you.

Suddenly you feel the need to throw up "not now" you say covering your mouth while running as fast as you can to the bathroom.

Once there you puke your guts out.

"Dayja are you ok" Scott asks bending down towards you since you're still sitting on the floor.

"I'm fine" you say but he doesn't believe you "seriously Dayja you can tell me" he tells you and just start crying. "that's the thing I can't! This is literally the worst thing ever" you yell as you place your head in your hands.

He doesn't say any for a few minutes "wait Dayja are you pregant" he asks and you look up nodding, scared of his reaction.

At first his face is filled with shock but then it turns to happy and he lifts you up and kisses you. "Dayja we will be great parents" you kiss him again and wonder why you were so scared to say something in the first place.


Enjoy! I hope you like it.

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