Michael Clifford Imagine:

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Today was a normal for you. You woke up next to your amazing boyfriend Michael, you look down and quickly kiss his forehead as he sleeps and head downstairs to the kitchen.

You decide to make breakfast while he sleeps so you work on pancakes and eggs. After you're done and see he is still asleep you try to wake him up but doesn't budge.

So you hop in the shower. Halfway through the shower you hear a scream come from Michael so you run out the shower without grabbing a towel.

You get in the bedroom "what wrong" you ask seeing him standing on the bed. "y/n there is a fucking big on the wall" he yells and you look and see a not so big bug so you grab a magazine and roll it up.

You walk towards it and pull your arm back to swing but you look back at Michael before you do. You giggle and smash the bug. You walk passed him and walk back to the bathroom "thank you" you hear him yell and you just shake your head continuing the shower.

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