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☆Queesha A.K.A Shay☆

How could he do this to me. Yeah I finally got my memory back. I always hated that bitch. She always had his heart. I wanted to the one that had his heart, but he always loved that fat bitch over me.

I know I did wrong, but I deserve a second chance. If I can't have him I know a way that will get him back. That bitch better watch out I'll whoop her ass and fuck her man and send her the video.


I was on my way to his house. Okay not really I been following him every night he leaves the trap. I watched him pull up to his house. I quickly got out my car.

I ran up next to his gate before it closed. I was walking along the wall. I stepped on something and screamed out.

I quickly covered my mouth. I looked down and it was a trap that had a hold to my ankle. The sharp things sticking out of it went into my ankle. I had to hold back the tears from that pain.

I heard a click. I stopped moving.

"Move and I'll blow yo shit off." I heard Ant say.

"P-Pleaee d-don't k-kill m-me." I said. He walked in front of me.

"Queesha?! What the hell are you doing?" He yelled. I noticed the house lights come on.

"I came to get you back." He shook his head.

"Not gone happen Shay. I'm happy where I am. Stop this shit cause you won't win." He said. I heard footsteps getting close.

"Anthony." It was her. The woman stealer. She looked at me and rolled her eyes.

"You need to leave. You think I don't know you been following me. You crazy asf man." Ant said. Why she get to call him Anthony, but no one else can?

"I want you. I got my memory back. I'm sorry please just give me another chance." I cried out.

"NO! JUST STOP! STOP!" He yelled. I jumped back from him yelling at me. He took the thing of my ankle.

"Go." He said opening the gate.


"I SAID GO DAMN IT! AND DON'T EVER COME BACK!" He yelled. I ran limping to my car. I see the way he looked at her I wish he looked at me like that.

Maybe I do need to move on. But it's so hard I love him.

I made it home. My mama was sitting there shaking her head. I put my head down.

"I thought you were better then this. You going through the same thing you sister did. Stop this shit and move on. That boy is happy. If you love someone or something, but they don't love you back it's time to let it go. If you don't stop I'm going to lose you too." She yelled with tears coming down her face. I tried to go to her, but she shook her head no and went into get room slamming the door.

I stripped out my clothes getting into the tub. I sat there thinking about everything I've done. I crossed those close to me for my own happiness. My sister did it too and she ended up committing suicide because the guy she loved didn't love her like she loved him so much she went crazy.

One night I came home to see her hanging from the ceiling fan. That day was horrible for us. My mama took it so hard. She was depressed, sad, lonely, and all she did was work. I felt like I was losing her until one day she walked in my room smiling.

I asked her what's going on? She said God does things for a reason and it's time I let your sister rest in peace. I smiled at her. But now that I think about it I'm doing the same thing she was doing.

I closed my eyes leaning against the tub wall. I know my sister probably turning in her grave. Darkness took over....

"Queesha." I felt someone shaking me. I rubbed my eyes.

"Teesha?" She nodded.

"What are got doing here? Your dead." She looked at me disappointed. I never liked her to look at me that way.

"It's time to let go and move on Queesha. Don't become another me. You looking for love in all the wrong places except in your heart baby sis. Let Ant be happy. I love you but it's time to Let. It. Go. It's not worth losing your life over trust me I know now but if I knew before I wouldn't have did it. I'm watching over you two. Tell mama I love and miss her." My sister said. I blinked my eyes and we were face to face. She kissed my forehead and began to walk away. I ran after her.

"Don't go."

"I have to ShayBear. Be good and listen to mama. I love you. Make things right." And then her voice faded. I jumped up. I was still in the tub. I got out wrapping my towel around me.

I wrapped up my ankle and put on my pj's

I did something I really haven't done in a long time....

I prayed.

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