Keep Your Eyes On Me

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The Adrenaline from her admission promptly stopped flowing as Melanie looks over in the direction of the voice and directly zeroes in on the look of devastation that's plastered on Seth's face.

Choking back a sob he says "Why didn't you tell me Mel, why?!"

Melanie open and closes her mouth, the utter look of his agony rendering her at a complete and total loss for words.

Sasha gently grabs Seth face in her hand and begins to whisper in his ear in an attempt to calm him down, but it's for not as he angrily shakes his head, pulls out of her grip, stands to his feet and storms towards the exit of the court room.

Stopping at the courtroom doors he turns his head over his shoulders and looks Walker dead in his eyes as he says

"It won't be today, but soon, very soon I'm going to get my hands on you and when I do, the pain and the damage that you caused my sister will be nothing compared to the pain and the damage I'm going to inflict on you, and before you ask that's not a threat that's a got damn promise!"

Slamming his hands on the doors he shoves them open and stomps through them and out into the hallway.

"Your honor he just threatened my witness in open court!"

"Counselor I suggest you not say another word, not after I already warned you to stand down three separate times, but instead of listening to my direct order you continued to further your own agenda by pushing this young lady to the brink, and forcing her to have to reveal something that I'm sure she never wanted to have to speak of again. So the way I'm looking at it I suggest your witness should count his lucky stars that he isn't standing in open court right now, because judging by the young man who just walked out and the way that Mr. Anoa'i is shaking in his seat not even my bailiff would be able to separate them if he was here in person.... and off the record I don't say that I could blame them, either of them."

"Your honor!" Mr. Andrews exclaimed in shock

"No! You opened this Pandora's box! You caused this melt down in open court. You deal with the ramifications because from where I'm sitting, his outcry as he left my courtroom was one based off of pure emotion and adrenaline at finding out that his sister was assaulted by her abusive ex-boyfriend!"

"Your honor this is a case of he said she said. None of that can be substantiated, it's all just accusations."

Daniel looks at Melanie who simply nods her head.

"Actually" Daniel says as he slightly approaches the bench "That's not true I have proof to substantiate Ms. Calloways accusations."

"What? Pictures that could be altered, that's not enough."

Daniel shakes his head "Video" he says as he waves his cell phone back and forth.

"Your honor I ask that you give myself and my client a chance to review this video footage to make sure it has not been tampered with."

Daniel remains quiet as the Judge mulls over Mr. Andrews objection.

"You, Mr. Ashwood and I, in my chambers now!" he barks as he bangs his gavel

"Court is in recess for 30 minutes"

Once the judge has removed himself from the bench, Melanie begins to slowly make her way off the stand.

Walker opens his mouth but Mr. Andrews silences him with a fierce shake of his head.

"Do not speak to her! Period!" he says lowly as he grabs his briefcase and heads to the Judge's chambers.

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