How about Dinner at my place?

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AN Warning...this chapter is CRAZY long....I should have broken it up but I decided not to, of that I have no regrets lol. Enjoy!

It was about a 10 minute drive to the lot where Melanie had parked the truck, with her being in the back seat Seth was taking care of providing the directions for where Matt needed to go. With everyone so caught up in their individual conversation Vanessa took the opportunity to pull down the visor in the front passenger seat so that she could observe the interaction between her brother, niece and Melanie. First thing she noticed was the smile that was plastered on her brother's face. She hadn't seen him that happy in a very long time and she couldn't help but think that the young woman sitting on the other side of her niece in the back seat was largely responsible for that. She watched as Joelle held on tightly to each of their hands. Her lap only being so big it was absolutely inevitable that the three of their hands would touch but they all looked content as their hands made a sandwich with Melanie's hand on the bottom, Joelle's in the middle and Roman's hand protectively over top of the pile, as his hand held Joelle's but his fingers grazed over the sides of Melanie's.

Joelle turned to look at her dad. "Daddy can Uncle Seth, Aunt Sasha and Melanie come over to nana and grumpy's house and have dinner tonight?"

"Baby girl I don't have a problem with that and I'm sure nana and grumpy wouldn't either."

Seth turned in his seat to face Roman "Is your mom cooking?"

Roman rolled his eyes and chuckled at his friend's seemingly bottomless pit of a stomach "I'm pretty sure she is"

"Well double check first, and if she is then hell yeah I'm down." Seth said as the car full of adults laughed

Melanie looked at Joelle "I would love to sweet pea but I can't, since we flew in early I made plans to have a meeting with my manager of JDDC." Roman and Joelle both looked disappointed but Joelle quickly perked up.

"Well can you come after?"

"Sweat pea I don't know how long my meeting will be."

Joelle lowered her head in defeat "Oh, I understand."

Melanie sighed and pursed her lips together. So help her God this little girl already had her wrapped around her little finger. Melanie took her free hand and tilted Joelle's face to look at her. "Jo how about this, what about if you and your daddy come to my place tomorrow and have dinner with me, Aunt Sasha, and Uncle Seth?" Joelle's face lit up as she clapped her hands together.

"Oh my gosh yes!" she said as she turned to look at Roman "Daddy can we go to Melanie's please, please, please?"

Roman couldn't help the smile that spread across his face, as he looked into his little girl's excited brown eyes. A small chuckle escaped his lips as he looked up at Melanie "Looks like you have yourself some dinner guests."

Melanie nodded her head and smiled back at him before realizing they were not the only ones in the car. She turned forward and caught Vanessa and Matt attempting to discreetly look at them from the front seat, Vanessa through the passenger visor, and Matt through the rearview mirror. They both abruptly looked away when they realized they have been caught.

"Would you guys like to join us for dinner tomorrow? I would love to have you over."

Vanessa and Matt both looked at each other and quietly exchanged words before Vanessa asked "Are you sure it wouldn't be too much trouble?"

"I'm positive."

"Then count us in, but be warned we Samoans love to eat especially us men right uce?" Matt said while Roman smiled and grunted in agreeance.

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