The devil + Seth = A curb stomp

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Roman lifted his final rep on the weight bench before sitting up and looking at Seth, who aside from a few well-placed grunts had remained silent as he listened to Roman recount the events from last night.

He sat up and watched as Seth roughly wiped his face with his hands. "I really just want to beat the hell out of that fucking piece of shit."

Roman nodded as his jaw tightened; he got angry every time he remembered the look in Melanie's eyes when she talked about that part of her past.

"He completely changed her, before she met him she was so full of life, she was talkative, outgoing, so vivacious." Seth said as he smiled. "But as soon as they moved in together it was like a light switch flipped off and she was a totally different person. It was like she was scared to make a move unless it was approved by him."

"Did you know that he hit her?"

Seth paused as he sat down on the bench and hung his head low. "She never outright told me, and neither did Sasha but I'm not an idiot. She was always afraid to set him off. Afraid that he was going to be angry at something she said or did, or something that someone else said or did." Seth put the free weights they had used back in their original position, before walking over and sitting on the bench that was across from Roman.

"About a year and a half ago I decided I wanted to surprise Melanie and go and spend some time with her while she was out on the road. I had a few days off and Sasha was tied up with press and other appearances so I decided to go on my own. I got to the arena crazy early just to make sure that she didn't see me beforehand and waited in her locker room for her to arrive. When she walked in she was wearing these huge black sunglasses that literally covered half of her face." Seth paused as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"The thing is, it wasn't sunny out that day and her locker room was so far away from the actual entrance, that there was no reason for her to still be wearing them. At first I didn't think anything of it so I just went to her and hugged her, I hadn't seen her in a while so I was just happy to be around her again. I was teasing her and reached up to grab her glasses and within seconds her body language changed. She pulled away from me and tried to keep her glasses on, but it was too late, I had bumped them off of her face and they fell to the floor. She turned away from me to try and hide the fact that she had a black eye and a bruise on her cheek. I reached out to touch her face but she pushed me away. I reached out to her again and grabbed her face in my hand forcing her to look at me; I saw and felt her flinch when I touched her Joe. She is like my sister and she flinched thinking I would hurt her."

Seth's voice began to crack; he cleared his throat and let out a long hard exhale as he wiped the tears from his eyes. "I kept asking over and over again if Walker did this to her and she denied it each and every time....she tried to tell me that she fell down the stairs."

Seth scoffed as he looked up at Roman whose pained expression mirrored his own "I knew she was lying. I mean you've seen her Joe, I don't know about you but she is probably one of the most graceful people I have ever met in my life." Seth sniffled and wiped his face before looking back up at his friend.

"I noticed as I was talking to her she kept looking at the door, but I didn't pay it any attention, I was too busy trying to convince her to tell me the truth. When the door opened and the devil himself was standing in the doorway it all made sense." Seth got a faraway look in his eye as if he were reliving the moment. "He had flowers in his hand; I assume those were the - I apologize for beating the shit out of you gift." Seth cracked his neck from left to right and pursed his lips together "I don't remember too much after he walked through the door except for the look of surprise and fear on his worthless face as I charged him and threw him up against the wall. I remember the satisfaction I felt as I watched him slide down the wall in pain before I hit him repeatedly with my fists. I vaguely remember Melanie grabbing my arms begging me to let him go, eventually I did but not before I grabbed him by his throat and told him if he ever touched her again I would kill him. Just to make sure he got the message loud and clear I curb stomped him for good measure." He added as he and Roman smiled devilishly at each other. The smile was short lived as Seth's smile turned into a frown and he lowered his head and looked at his hands.

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