A Father Knows

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Roman made quick work of tucking Melanie back into her bed before making a pit stop into his own room, and grabbing something out of his bag and slipping it into his pocket. Taking the steps two at a time he found Taker exactly where he had left him in the kitchen, but this time his back was to the entryway and he was standing over the sink. He hadn't even made it all the way into the kitchen when Taker lifted his head and without turning around said "What took you so long?"

"I had to stop in my room to pick something up; can we go outside for a minute?"

Taker turned around and dried his hand on the dish towel. Nodding his head yes he placed it down on the counter and motioned for Roman to lead the way.

Roman walked out the double doors, onto the porch and back over to the chairs that were positioned facing the lake. This time instead of sitting down he leaned onto one of the pillars and looked out at the scenery in front of him.

"What did you want to talk about?"

"Not necessarily what but who, I want to talk to you about Mel, I want you to know I have nothing but the best intentions towards her."

"Hmm and how is that?"

"I know I don't have to tell you how amazing she is because you raised her, but I will anyway." He said making Taker crack a small smile "She is probably one of the most loving people I have ever met in my life, you know I have a daughter and the way she treats her..... it's like she was made to be a mom. She is so loving and sweet with her, she lets her get away with murder but she doesn't hesitate to put her in her place when she needs it either."

Taker did a slow nod. "So are you telling me you want to be with my daughter solely because she is good to your daughter?" he asked, the question coming out with a little bit more bite than what he actually intended.

"Absolutely not" Roman replied "I won't lie to you though the fact that she and Joelle get along so well is important, I could never be with a woman who my daughter didn't like and get along with or that I didn't think would take care of her when I wasn't around. My daughter is my first priority at all times."

"But where does that leave Melanie?"

"She knows that Joelle is my first priority, she is a child she can't fend for herself I have to make sure she is taken care of and has everything that she needs, however the ironic part is that Joelle is Melanie's first priority too. Ever since she has met Jo she has always thought about what's best for her and what she needs. It's like its second nature to her. Watching her with Joelle reinforces the type of person she is, the type of mom she is going to be."

"A damn good one" Taker muttered against his own will

Roman smiled in agreement and chuckled lightly "Besides Melanie point blank told me she could never be with a father who didn't put his children first. She said that you never made her feel second to anyone or anything and that any man who didn't put their child first was a piece of shit as a man and a father."

Taker chuckled "Yeah that sounds like something my daughter would say alright"

"Just so you know it's more than just the way she loves my daughter. It's the way she loves her family and friends, the way she takes care of me, I know she cares about me deeply I see it in her eyes, I won't say love yet because I'm not sure if she has reached that point yet -"

Taker arched his eyebrow "And you have?" he asked cutting Roman off.

Roman pressed his back into the pillar and smiled "I'm crystal clear on the fact that I love your daughter."

Mark was taken back by his honesty and his face showed it as it was currently frozen in a state of shock. He slowly closed his gaping mouth and leaned his head to the side and quietly listened on.

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