Bank Statement

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Melanie stood in Gorilla waiting, watching the clock as time slowly ticked away.

She could feel Charlotte and that asshole SJ staring daggers at the back of her head but she was not about to give either of them the satisfaction of acknowledging their existence. Not until she was in the ring, not until she could give Charlotte the beating she so properly deserved, then and only then would she get any sort of acknowledgement from her.

Melanie shifted her weight from side to side and smiled as the shadows of her body guards pressed in further around her. Le wasn't lying when he said SJ wasn't going to get anywhere near her. She chuckled lightly as she looked up and into the faces of Braun Strowman, Big Cass, and Rusev. All of which had their eyes trained on SJ daring him to make a move so that they could rip him to pieces.

The stage hand motioned for Melanie letting her know that she was up first, she stepped forward and couldn't help but smirk realizing that she and her body guard's footsteps were all in complete unison with each other. Every time she moved so did they.

They stood there patiently while Melanie waited at the entrance for her music to hit. They weren't going to walk out with her but they had their marching orders, and their job was simple make sure Melanie made it out to the ring safely. After that Roman would handle everything else.

"They can't protect you forever baby girl" SJ said behind her.

Melanie ignored him but her body guards didn't.

"Hey watch your mouth! And we won't need to protect her forever, just right now. So know that if you take one step towards her while we are standing here we will tear your sorry ass apart" Braun growled

SJ laughed "You think I'm scared of any of you imbeciles? Please... I can beat all of your asses!"

Big Cass smirked "Then by all means move one inch in her direction and let's put your theory to the test!"

As if completely synchronized, Cass and Rusev lined up with Braun standing with their backs to Melanie as they taunted SJ to make a move.

Melanie hopped from side to side and ignored the back and forth, she was going to let the guys deal with his shit. Right now Melanie needed to focus. She caught sight of the audio guy and motioned for him to come closer to her. Whispering in his ear he smiled, nodded his head yes and walked away towards the sound booth, just as the Raw was returning from commercial break.

What did I miss?!" Sasha frantically asked as the nurses wheeled her back into the room.

Seth planted a quick kiss to her lips and moved out of the way so that they could maneuver the bed into the room. "Well Mel wrapped Charlottes sock puppet around the pole a few times before locking the figure four on her...over the edge of the ring...and upside down." He said an evil smirk forming on his lips.

Sasha gasped "Shut the front door!"

Seth nodded his head "It was magnificent!"

"Damn it!" Sasha moaned "I wish I could have seen it"

Mark chuckled "No worries I am dvring it you can see it the minute we get home." He said winking at his pink haired daughter.

Sasha smiled her thanks and nodded her head slowly before turning her attention to Seth "Babe have you spoken to her how is she doing? Is she doing okay?"

Seth twitched his lips to the side as he pondered the best way to tell her. "She is pissed, by pissed I mean livid, by livid I mean infuriated. I mean she tried to hide it well she sounded cool calm and collected over the phone but you know how Mel is, you know like I know there are two things you don't fuck around with when it comes to her, her food and her family." He said ticking each one of those things off on his finger.

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