Will he be mad at Me?

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A/N Hey guys! just to warn you I will randomly be using the wrestlers real names from time to time when they are discussing serious topics. Just wanted to inform you so you didn't think I went rogue or something. Hope you are all enjoying the story so far!

Sasha sat down next to her friend against the wall. "Mel, why does this bother you so much? What is so wrong with you being with Roman? Whether it's something that is true or not why are you acting like this is such a bad thing?"

"Sasha you don't understand" Melanie said quietly.

"Then make me understand Melly." She said as she reached for her friend's hand placing it in-between her own before giving it a little squeeze. "Give me one good reason why you are so adamant to not develop any type of feelings or relationship with this man?"

"I will do you one better I will give you two very good reasons." She said quietly as she turned to face Sasha.

"First off he is getting back with Evelyn so that he can have his daughter grow up in a loving and whole family unit."

Sasha put her hand up "Let me stop you right there buttercup, putting Evelyn and loving family unit in the same sentence is an oxymoron. Roman is an amazing guy but clearly he has taken one to many boots to the head. Getting back with Evelyn is a stupid, idiotic, bird brained choice on his part. His reasoning is understandable, valiant even, but Evelyn's reasoning is the polar opposite. Nothing that woman says or does is out of love for anyone but herself. I can't stand her, every time I have to be in the same room with her for more than 3 minutes I get an over whelming urge to scratch her eyes out."

"That may all be true, but there is still a second reason why it will never work." She whispered

"What's that?"

"I just can't Sash."

"Can't what Mel?"

"I can't fathom anyone ever touching me again in that way without thinking back to him" Melanie said as she let the word drip from her tongue as if it were laced with poison. "Without thinking back to what he did Sash. It makes me sick, how fair is that huh" she said as her voice cracked with emotion "How fair is it for me to start a relationship with Roman or anyone else when I can't even stomach the thought of being intimate with someone again." She said as she began to cry softly.

Sasha wrapped her arms around her best friend cradling her head as Melanie lay on her shoulder. Sasha hated him for what he did to her, the pain he put her through, the scars that he left her with that were seen and unseen. She would give anything to take away the pain that Melanie was going through right now but she couldn't. All she could do was hold her when she needed it and listen to her when she wanted to talk. She sat there with her friend and rocked her back and forth until she could no longer feel Melanie's tears fall on her shoulder.

"Mel, just hear me out for a second okay? I want you to really think about the answer to what I am about to ask you." Once she felt Melanie nod against her shoulder she spoke again. "After everything you went through, did you ever think it was possible for you to be close to man ever again, by close to I mean have him hug you, touch you, things like that?"

Melanie thought for a moment "No, the thought of being touched by anyone made my skin crawl. The only men I would let close to me were Dad, Papa, Seth and Hunter, and with Seth and Hunter I kept them both at an arm's length for a really long time. Shane was overseas so I didn't see him at all and Uncle Vince traveled so much I rarely ever saw him anyway."

Sasha nodded in relief, Melanie's admission just assisted her with making her point and she didn't even know it yet. She took Melanie's head in her hands and shifted so that they were looking directly at each other.

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