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A/N This one is a long one! :) Hope you enjoy it thank you so much to everyone that has read this story and added it to their reading list so far! You guys are great!

Roman looked out the window of the plane as his mind raced a mile a minute replaying his daughters puffy face and the words that shattered his heart "Why does mommy hate me Daddy...WHY?!"

He had listened as his daughter tried to explain what happened, but she was so upset that his parents had to step in to fill in the blanks. Best they could understand is that Evelyn berated Jo in front of the entire class, telling her she was a bad dancer with poor technique who would never place, let alone win first place in any competition, and if that wasn't enough as she walked away from her to focus on other dancers, she stopped just long enough to look at Joelle and tell her she was a huge disappointment and a complete waste of her time. Roman dug his hands into his armrest as he recollected hanging up with his mother and calling Evelyn to get to the bottom of the situation.

"Evelyn why is Joelle in a tears right now? What did you do to her?" Not that he didn't fully believe his parents account of the situation but a small part of him was still holding out hope that this was a misunderstanding of some sort. I mean how couldn't it be? She was her mother for crying out loud. There was no way a mother could be that cruel and uncaring towards her own daughter.

Evelyn scoffed "Here we go, why is it always what did I do to her? Is it so hard for you to believe that this time Joelle did something wrong to me?"

Roman's blood pressure was rising

"What could she have possibly done for you to have said the horrible things that you did to her?"

"My time is precious Joe, and she wasted it, and I didn't say anything horrible to her I just told her the truth."

"The truth?! Evelyn she is ONLY SIX,!" he yelled "Why do you expect her to be some perfect ballerina at six, you are her mom you should be encouraging her, helping her to get better, not tearing her apart. What's wrong with you?!

"There isn't a damn thing wrong with me! She is just spoiled and that is all your fault because you constantly baby her, so of course she runs to you crying over every little thing!

"She wouldn't have to come crying to me if you treated her as if she were your daughter and not some annoying piece of gum on the bottom of your shoe." Roman gritted between his teeth. "I don't even know why we even have to have this conversation; this should be a relatively easy fucking concept to grasp. Why is it so hard for you to un-"

"Don't you talk to me like that! You and your daughter just need to get the hell over it! She needs to suck it up and stop being dramatic."

"DRAMATIC?!?!" he yelled incredulously as the little calm he had left was quickly slipping away "Our daughter is devastated, DEVESTATED because of what you said to her Evelyn!"

"She will survive!"

"Survive?? I don't want her to survive I want her to thrive! And so should you! I have seen you treat perfect strangers better than the way you are treating our daughter right now! As her mother you should want to protect her, love her, show her show s-"

"Don't you even fix your mouth to tell me how I should or shouldn't parent MY daughter especially since you ARENT EVEN HERE! Hell, I'm practically a single parent!"

"Stop doing that! Stop trying to make me feel guilty for working my ass off to make sure that JoJo is well taken care of. You seem to forget that the job that you loathe so much is what makes sure that JoJo doesn't want for anything. It's what is providing the money to keep a roof over your head, food on the table, and clothes on YOUR back! And physically there or not I am not going to allow you to mistreat her do you understand me!? I won't allow you or anyone else to tear her down and make her feel as if she isn't good enough!"

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