Show no mercy

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Melanie paced the floor like a caged animal. Raw had already started and it opened with the footage of Sasha's attack.

Michael, Byron and Corey were all extremely somber as they recapped the events that happened prior to RAW going on the air.

Melanie and Roman's phones had been ringing off the hook but Melanie refused to speak to anyone unless it was Seth, Sasha or her father. Anyone else was immediately silenced and sent to voicemail.

Roman sat on the chair facing her, watching her pace as he spoke to his father.

"How is she?"

"Pissed, angry, furious, I've never seen her so out of sorts but then again you saw what they did, and that is the cleaned up version. They didn't even show everything."

Sika sighed "What is she going to do?"

"I don't exactly know, but what I do know is I'm not even sure God himself would be able to save them from her wrath."

"Let me speak to her, I want to make sure she is thinking clearly, because if she isn't she could get herself hurt and wind up in the hospital room right next to Mercedes."

Roman stood and walked over to Melanie, and gently grabbed her hand. Dropping the phone from his mouth and holding it out to Melanie he said "Baby it's my dad he wants to talk to you."

She nodded and held the phone up to her ear.


"Yes Pele(dear one) I won't patronize you and ask you how you are doing. I saw the footage; I know how much you love Mercedes. I promise you I will make this quick, I just want you to listen to me for a second okay?"


"What they did was heinous, there was no excuse for it, but you have to know that this wasn't just about business it was personal. They fear you and Mercedes but they also hate you and are jealous of you at the same time. Professionally Mercedes has something they want, the title. But by attacking Mercedes they knew they were essentially killing two birds with one stone. You see they hate Mercedes not just because she has the title, not just because the WWE Universe loves her but because they knew that you would be beside yourself after finding out what happened. They know that the relationship that you and Sasha have is deeper than any blood bond could ever be and they hate it. They hate it because you two aren't selfish, you encourage each other to be your very best, and neither of you are so blinded or driven by your own career ambitions that you would ever turn on each other to enhance your own careers and they don't understand that. They don't understand the deep seeded level of loyalty you two have for each other, and you know what they say pele, people fear what they don't understand. So they did the only thing they could think of. They knew they couldn't get you to turn on each other so they decided to try and divide and conquer and by doing so they want you to be so blinded by your rage that you can't even see straight let alone think logically. Trust me when I tell you they know you are coming for them, they are waiting on it but you have to be smart, don't walk into their trap. You can't afford to let your emotions cloud your judgement. Be smarter than them, Show them who you are. You show them why you are one of the baddest wrestlers to ever step foot in that squared circle, and why messing with you and Mercedes was the worst mistake that they could've ever made."

Melanie wiped away the tear that fell down her cheek. Sika was right she couldn't come at them head on, that would be what they were expecting and that would be a suicide mission. Instead she would have to be very systematic about the whole thing. She needed to get her game plan together.

She allowed a few more tears to drop from her eyes before deciding it was time to reign in her emotions. She could cry later but for now she needed a solid plan. Sniffling one final time she took a deep breath.

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