Family History Lesson

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As soon as they walked through the door Joelle spotted Seth and Sasha sitting on the couch in the living room. Running over to them she catapulted herself in the air and jumped on Seth's lap

"Hey Uncle Seth, Hey Auntie Sasha!" she said happily kissing them both on their cheeks.

"Hey baby" they said Seth kissing her left cheek while Sasha kissed her right cheek.

"What's got you so happy?" Seth asked as Roman and Melanie walked hand in hand into the living room.

"Well not only are you guys staying here at my house for 3 weeks but Daddy and Melly said Melly is gonna take care of me while she is here and that makes me happy!" she said as she wiggled back and forth dancing away on Seth's lap, eliciting a laugh from all of the adults.

Looking at the clock Melanie shook Romans hand and motioned to Sasha "Sasha you want to help me get ready for my date? Le is taking me to dinner at 8" she said taking a step towards the stairs.

Roman pulled her backwards wrapping his arms around her from behind.

"Lalelei its only 4:30 why are you getting ready now"

Melanie tipped her head "You do want me ready by 8 right?"

"Yeaaaa" he said slowly

"Then that means I need to start now, I need to pick out my outfit."

"Her shoes!" Sasha added from the couch

Melanie ran her hand through her hair "Figure out what I'm going to do with this hair"

"And let's not forget the make up!" Sasha shouted from the couch as she tapped Seth on the shoulder "Take me upstairs please, Mel and I have a lot of things we need to do and not a lot of time to do it in"

"Can I come? I want to help" Joelle said as she walked around the side of the couch.

Melanie held her hand out for Joelle to grasp. "Absolutely lady bug, let's go" she said motioning her hand towards the stairs.

Roman kissed the back of Melanie's head before she walked away and towards the stairs.

"Okay I guess I'll make Jo something to eat, baby girl what would you like to eat tonight, chicken fingers and French fries?"

"Or how about Chicken Fingers and a salad" Melanie shot over her shoulder.

"Oooooo yeah! Chicken fingers and a salad" Joelle said as she hopped her way up the last two stairs.

Roman scratched his beard and smiled "Chicken fingers and salad it is."


Upstairs Joelle and Sasha high fived each other "Melly you are going to look so pretty tonight just like a princess!" she said as she bounced on the edge of the bed.

Melanie laughed and continued running the flat iron through the last strand of her curly hair. "Thank you lady bug, let's just hope that your daddy thinks so"

"Oh he will" Sasha snickered from the bed

"Who is he and what will he do?" Roman asked as he walked through the bedroom door.

"He is you daddy and you will think that Melly looks like a princess once she is done getting dressed" Joelle said happily while Melanie and Sasha smiled at her.

"Oh I'm sure she absolutely will" he said licking his lips and walking in Melanie's direction. He walked towards her slowly, deliberately looking her up and down as she stood in the bathroom wearing a cream satin robe that stopped just above her mid-thigh. Slowly removing the flat iron from her hand he set it on the sink and lifted her chin so that she was looking him in the eye. His eyes were no longer that beautiful light gray that she had become accustomed to. They were dark much darker than normal. She knew that look, and she knew what that color meant she had seen it from him a few times before.

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