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I looked over at Seth staring at me with an amused look on his face.

"Leati?" Seth asked me with a sly smile? Since when do you give your first name to anyone as option?"

All I could do was shake my head. I have no idea why I gave her my whole name "I mean it's not like I mind or like it is a big deal it is my name." I tried to reason.

"Uh huh sure" Seth said. He wasn't buying my explanation at all and to be honest neither was I. We stood off to the side watching on one of the monitors but from where we stood we could also see her standing in Gorilla. She looked nervous but then again that would be expected when you are making your big debut on the main roster. I just couldn't stop looking at her, she was beautiful with her dark curly hair flowing all of the way down her back, her green eyes that danced when she looked into my eyes and a smile that could light up the whole arena. She was the very definition of beauty. She was up to my shoulder but that was in heels. I was impressed with the heels she was currently in they looked to be at least 4 inches as she hopped from side to side still trying to get all of the nerves out. I watched as Steph and Hunter both tried to calm her down she seemed close to both of them I made a note to ask her about that later. I wanted to know as much as I could about her but I wanted to hear it from her. I blushed in spite of myself as I realized I liked the sound of her voice, when she talked it sounded like a musical melody.

"She is single you know" I looked over at Seth he had just broken me out of my daze. I looked at him confused so he repeated what he just said.

"She is single, you could make a play for her I mean I am more than willing to put in a good word for you." He said, he was serious but he was also enjoying the moment a little bit too much for me.

Seth leaned in closer to Roman "If I could make a little suggestion though" I turned to look over at him and rolled my eyes before looking back at Melanie.

"What?" I laughed

"Stop staring if she catches you staring at her you are going to get put in the weirdo perv category and get friendzoned for life and is that what you want?!" I couldn't help but laugh at his idiotic comment and it was in that moment that she stopped and looked directly at us. While Seth gave her the thumbs up I was frozen in place with this stupid grin on my face as I played with a water bottle that was in my hand. She didn't seem to mind as she returned our smiles and went back to trying to focus on her task at hand.

I felt Seth lean close to me again "Keep it up I'm telling you I have watched her friendzone people, its painful to watch, plus no one has ever escaped once being put there it's like fucking alcatraz, if you don't want to be friendzoned forever stop staring at her like some tall better looking yet still creepy ass version of Bray Wyatt" I elbowed him in his chest and rolled my eyes. We heard the fans go nuts as Stephanie introduced her and her music hit.

Hunter walked over to us to watch on our monitor.

"Do you guys hear that?!" he damn near screamed as he smiled from ear to ear.

Seth and I were at a complete loss for words it sounded like the arena was going to explode. Other superstars came out of their Locker rooms to see what the hell was going on and we all gathered around to watch. You could tell that some of the Women were sizing her up and were pissed about her being there, I chalked it up to jealousy but then again I had already formed my opinion that no one could hold a candle to Melanie in the beauty department. The others who weren't sizing her up, looked like they were excited for her to get done out there so that they could greet her. The men, well they were what you would expect many of them looked at her like a piece of meat and I wanted to rip their heads off.....Literally! but I refrained myself and kept my eyes on the prompter. I couldn't believe how nuts the fans were going for her but I smiled in spite of myself because this had to make her feel good to get this type of reaction. Hell this reaction was bigger than John Cena, Brock Lesnar, my cousin Dwayne any other of the big name stars in the company. Her music had been cut off but that didn't stop what sounded like the entire arena from singing the lyrics. This was unbelievable!

We watched as she moved the mic up to her lips and raised her hand in the air. I am not sure if she meant to or not but she let out a giggle into the mic. I couldn't help the smile that widened on my face. I heard Seth snicker. I looked at him out of the corner of my eye and he just shook his head. I crossed my arms over my chest and focused on the screen in front of me.

A/N Let me know what you think :)

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