Mother Daughter Bond

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Disconnecting the phone he looked at Seth "Can you put fresh water in Stones dish for me please?"

Without hesitation Seth nodded got up and headed to the kitchen.

"Nessa can you go and unlock the door, Mel should be here any minute."

Nessa nodded and quickly headed to the door to unlock it.

Rubbing Joelle's back he said soothingly "She's coming baby girl, she's coming"

He looked up at his mother and shook his head. Patricia came over and placed a hand on his head and Joelle's and kissed them both on the cheek.

Seth had just walked back into the living room and sat back down when they all heard the front door quickly open and then slam close, as Winter took a protective stance at the front of the couch to block any intruder and Bella shoved her body in front and around Roman to block off anyone's access to him and Joelle.

"Le! Jo!" Melanie screamed almost completely out of breath.

Hearing her voice both Winter and Bella immediately relaxed and settled down on their haunches.

Roman looked at the clock on the wall she had made it back in less than 8 minutes flat.

Hearing Melanie's voice Joelle shot straight up and flew off of her father's lap, and ran straight for the door.

Melanie had just enough time to snatch her earphones out, rip her phone off her arm, and drop it on the floor as she simultaneously kneeled to the ground and opened her arms for Joelle to fly into.

Sitting on the ground with her legs open, she pulled Joelle into her lap and rubbed her back in a soothing up and down motion while Joelle cried on her shoulder and Bella and Winter stood a few feet away, watching the both of them closely.

"It's okay lady bug, its okay" she cooed softly in her ear "It's okay princess"

Joelle tightened her grip around Melanie's neck nearly cutting off her already limited air supply but Melanie didn't once complain.

Wrapping an arm tightly around Joelle she pulled her down into her lap and rested a hand against her head as she slowly rocked her back and forth.

Roman looked on in awe as Melanie did what no one else had been able to do. He watched her push Joelle's hair out of her face and place kisses on her forehead as Joelle's crying slowly began to cease.

"How about we go to the couch okay?" Melanie whispered in her ear. Joelle nodded onto her shoulder.

Shifting Joelle so that she had a leg on either side of her she was easily able to get up on her knees and then walk over to the couch. She sat directly next to Roman who immediately put his arm around her back leaned over and kissed her on her shoulder and Joelle on the head.

"You want to tell me what has you so upset?" Melanie asked quietly.

Still hiccupping from all the crying she had done she lifted her face towards Melanie and said "My mooommm....she was saying bad things about you...she called you a really bad word and I didn't like it!" she said as she shook her head from side to side. Lowering her head she said "I know I was wrong, you and daddy tell me not to yell at people that it's not nice but she wasn't nice! I'm not sorry Melly! She shouldn't have said what she said! I won't let her say mean things about you Melly I won't!" she said as she started to cry again.

Melanie's heart broke into a million pieces, she struggled to keep tears of her own from running down her cheeks, but she knew she needed to stay strong for Jo, so she closed her eyes and took a deep breathe. Placing a hand behind Joelle's head she pulled her to her chest and said

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