Making their intentions known

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Melanie lowered her head forward between her shoulder blades as she put her hands on the counter of the kitchen island. Deep down she hoped that Sasha was right, she was tired of living in fear, but she didn't know if she was strong enough to take that leap, she didn't know if she had anymore fight left in her. She sighed and picked up the salad and stepped out her sliding door. She spotted the guys sitting on the edge of the pool and her gaze immediately went to Roman. She couldn't keep denying the electric feeling that coursed through her every time he was near her, every time he touched her. She couldn't help but wonder how much longer she was going to be able to ignore the fact that after all of these years there was actually a man outside of her family who made her feel safe, and protected. Heaven knows she never thought that that would happen, but she questioned if that was enough of a reason to try and open herself up again. She questioned if it would be worth it. At that moment he looked up and met her gaze. He flashed her a smile that made her go weak at the knees, and she couldn't help but smile at him in return. She bit her lower lip and turned to walk towards the table just as JoJo came running up to her.

"Do you need any help?"

"No baby I got it" she said as she knelt down so that she was eye level with Jo and kissed her on the forehead "But thank you for offering, how about you go tell your dad and uncles to go wash their hands, dinner is ready"

"Okay Melly Belly" JoJo giggled as she scampered away towards the guys happily delivering her message.

As everyone settled around the table Melanie did a quick scan to make sure that she didn't miss anything. As they sat down Matt looked at the tortellini and licked his lips.

"This looks amazing Melanie!"

"Thanks Matt" she said as she motioned for everyone to take a seat. She signaled for Roman to say a blessing over the food before everyone took their plates and started digging in. JoJo was sitting in between Melanie and Roman, she quickly picked up Jo's plate and gave her a portion of pasta. When she went to put some salad on her plate Joelle furiously shook her head no. Melanie raised her eyebrow at Joelle before looking at Roman who sighed

"I have been working on her vegetable intake but she won't budge, she only likes corn"

"That's not a vegetable that's a starch" Melanie said as she stared at him blankly.

"Told you" Vanessa shot from the other end of the table, her comment quickly earning her a scowl from Roman.

Melanie looked back at Joelle and sighed lightly "Why won't you eat vegetables Jo?"

"I don't like them they are gross" she said as she stuck her tongue out.

Melanie put Joelle's plate down "But they will help you grow up to be super strong like daddy" Melanie said as she reached over and smoothed back Joelle's hair.

"mmmmhmmm" she said as she shook her head no "I still don't like them, I don't want to eat them, please don't make me eat any salad" she whined

"Jo I am going to put some salad on your plate" Melanie stated as she scooped a small bit of salad and put it on her plate. Joelle opened her mouth to protest but Melanie gave her a pointed look that said it wasn't up for discussion "You are to eat all of your salad and as long as you eat everything on your plate you can have desert."

"Okay" she mumbled.

Melanie extended her hand palm side up towards Roman and wiggled her fingers at him. He scrunched his forehead for a second not understanding what she was trying to tell him.

"Give her your plate numb nutt." Seth said as he shoved some tortellini in his mouth and moaned

"Melanie I swear to you if I wasn't in love with Sasha I would marry you for your cooking skills alone."

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