Team Player

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Melanie threw her head back and laughed as she stood up. "Don't go acting all confident now that it's over, you know you were nervous that Stone or Winter was going to take a chunk out of that Superman steel you are made of." She said as she sauntered in front of him and reached her hand out to Joelle who gladly latched on to her.

Roman opened his mouth to reply but quickly decided to choose his battles wisely and let this one go. Besides instead of wasting his time bantering with her he would much rather watch her backside as she walked in front of him.

"Le?" she said with a hint of a smile in her voice

"Yeah" he answered though only half listening

"Smettila oogling mio culo" (Stop oogling my ass) That snapped Roman out of his trance as a chuckle rumbled from his chest.

"Non sto oogling, sto prendendo nella sua bellezza, voglio dire non è un opera d'arte da ammirare?" (I'm not oogling, I'm taking in it's beauty, I mean is not a work of art to be admired?) he said with a smirk and a shrug as he walked along the opposite side of her up the remaining length of the driveway.

Melanie's jaw dropped, and she felt her face heat up as she looked at his unapologetic face.

"What?" he asked innocently as they made their way through the threshold where they were quickly greeted by Seth and Sasha who each rushed Joelle and showered her with hugs and kisses.

Melanie shook her head slowly before biting back a smile while Roman quickly scanned the interior of her home; it was beautiful, and impeccably decorated. The walls were painted in neutral colors with splashes of vibrant color being provided by the paintings on the wall, throw pillows from the couch, and accents rugs. Looking at her house from the outside you would expect that it would be like many other large homes, sterile and impersonal but with Melanie's house that was the farthest from the truth, it was very much a reflection of Melanie, warm and inviting.

Melanie was busy laughing as she watched Sasha and Seth scurry away with Joelle to show her around the house. This was the perfect time for Roman to make his move especially since he had something that he desperately needed to get off his chest.

By the time Melanie turned around to face him Roman had expertly closed the gap that was once between them. She let out a small gasp when the tip of her nose came in contact with his blue dress shirt. She froze for a moment before slowly raising her head, his intoxicating cologne started to waft through her nose and she felt her heart start to beat at an erratic pace, her mouth went dry, and any coherent thought in her mind was now starting to fade. She took a small step back to regain control of herself, she darted her eyes away from his frame, and took a deep breath. The minute she felt she was re-focused enough she averted her gaze back to him and couldn't help but get lost in his gray eyes that were instantly locked with hers. The first thing that ran through her mind before it went blank was

Sweet Baby Jesus what is this man doing to me.

She wasn't sure how long they stood that way quietly gazing into each other's eyes but what she did know is that they never broke eye contact, not when he smoothly extended both of his hands out to her and waited confidently and expectantly for her to place her hands into his, not when he slowly interlaced their fingers together, and not even when he carefully brought each one of her hands up to his lips and placed one soft kiss to the back of both of her hands.

Melanie didn't know about him but right now, her emotions were on overdrive. Her nerves didn't know whether they were coming or going and it was driving her insane. They stood silently together with their fingers interlocked at their sides gazing into each other's eyes until Roman finally broke the silence.

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