Take a picture it will last longer

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Seth pulled the phone out of his packet and tossed it to me like it burned his hand. I immediately swiped the phone and released Seth from his headlock

"Hey daddy" I coo'd into the phone as I stood up and stuck my tongue out at Seth.

My dad laughed "What are you up to Angel?" he said as Seth flipped me off.

"You're gonna pay for that" I mouthed to Seth whose eyes got wide as he dropped to his knees and begged me not to tell on him. Roman just chuckled and shook his head.

"Nothing, Sasha and I beat up Seth he had my phone and wouldn't give it back to me and now........" I said as I paused for effect "he just flipped me off." I said as I watched the color rush out of Seth's face as he leaned his head back and looked up at the ceiling shaking his head. Sasha burst out into a fit of laughter as she held her sides and writhed on the floor.

"Oh did he now?"

"Yup he sure did dad" I said as I nodded my head yes my face the picture of a perfect Angel

"Put him on the phone Angel." I smiled from ear to ear as I held the phone out to Seth.

"He wants to talk to you" I said in the most innocent voice I could muster. Seth muttered under his breath and snatched the phone from my hand. I giggled and took a seat next to Roman.

I crossed my legs and laughed as Seth scowled at me. I listened to the barrage of "Yes sir, no sir, I didn't mean to sir, I won't ever do it again. Of course sir but can I at least explain sir" before I could no longer contain my own laughter. I laughed so uncontrollably that I started to hyperventilate. I looked up through my tear stained face and looked into the lopsided grin of Roman who was staring at me. Before I could ask him why he was staring at me Seth walked over and put the phone back in my face.

"Hi Daddy!" I said into the phone

I could tell from my dad's laugh that he was shaking his head at me "You have to be nicer Angel."

"Daddy I was nice! I warned him that if he didn't stop messing with me that I was going to tell you, he didn't stop then he flipped me the bird I think that warranted him getting in trouble don't you?" I said trying my best to hold back my laughter.

My dad only laughed in reply. "I saw your promo on TV I have to say you were amazing!"

"Thanks Dad I got it honest, I learned from watching the best!"

"Yes you absolutely did Angel" there was a small pause on the phone and I could tell that he wanted to say something.

"What is it Dad?

He sighed. "I just want to say in case I don't say it enough that you are my pride and joy. You are my greatest achievement and you do me proud. You always have and if wrestling is what makes you happy I just want to say I am 110% behind you angel."

A lump formed in my throat and I had to compose myself before continuing. "That means everything to me Dad." I whispered into the phone.

"Well you mean everything to me Angel" he said. I want you to know you will always be my little girl, no matter how old you get and no matter who you date."

I smiled "I know dad, I wouldn't have it any other way"

"Good" he said as he cleared his throat. "Now I am assuming that you will be travelling with Sasha and Seth?"

"Well I haven't asked yet if I could travel with them" I said as I looked up at Sasha who had already made her way over to where I was sitting and sat down on the other side of me.

Sasha motioned for me to hand over the phone which I did "Hey Dad" she said into the phone she smiled as I assumed he was exchanging pleasantries with her as well. He loved Sasha as if she were his own daughter.

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