Remembering what was said

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Melanie watched from her seat next to Patricia as Roman continued to get ready for his match. He had changed from his Roman Empire T-shirt into his tactical vest and was now headed towards the bench with a few bottles of water in his hands.

Melanie excused herself from the conversation with his mom and his sisters and made her way over to where he was seated. Stepping over the bench she kneeled in front of him in between his legs as he pulled his conditioner out of his bag.

"Need help?" She asked

Roman smiled and gave her a small nod handing her one of the two towels in his hands, she placed it on the ground in front of her as he swung the second around his shoulders. He reached up to undo his hair from his man bun but was stopped mid motion when Melanie softly brought his hands down placing them in his lap. Putting one hand on each of his shoulders she pulled him forward and gently removed the hair tie herself. She ran her fingers through his hair and began to caress his scalp, watching his eyes flutter close she took the opportunity to massage his temple.

She leaned further up on her knees and kissed his forehead; lowering his head she took her fingers and raked his hair forward so that it hung down over his head towards the ground. She took the conditioner that was sitting next to him and poured it in the middle of her hand. Slowly she began rubbing it into his hair. She made sure she wrapped her hands around the side of his head before stopping to pour some more into her hands to make sure he had full coverage. She heard him let out a low guttural moan that made her sex respond accordingly.

"I could definitely get used to this. Keep this up and I'm going to ask you to do this before every show."

She slowly flipped his hair back so that it hung along his shoulders. She leaned over much closer than needed with her lips grazing his hear and whispered "Make that sound again and I just might do this and then some." She dipped her head and placed a kiss below his ear directly on his jawline, letting her lips linger against his skin she heard him attempt but fail to stifle another moan in pleasure at their contact. Her lips curled up in satisfaction at his reaction.

Roman's response was immediate he reached out for her quickly wrapping a hand around the nape of her neck pulling her swiftly yet gently so that her neck was completely at his mercy. He bent down so his lips hovered above her ear. Low enough so that she could feel his warm breath but far enough so that no contact was made. One of her hands sat on his thighs her fingers lightly fisting his pants, while the other slid up and into his hair, her fingers twisting into his damp locks.

Roman's large muscular body curled over the top of Melanie's much smaller one shielding them from view. To anyone who glanced in their direction you would never guess that they were locked in this heated exchange. Instead you would think that they were just enthralled in a private conversation. Roman knew this and was planning on taking full advantage of their current position.

He dragged his nose from her collar bone up to her ear. "It's not nice to tease lo'u alofa" (my love) he whispered, his voice enveloping her in a way that made her core ache and her back arch pushing her chest against his own.

"hmmmmm" he hummed against her skin "So responsive to me" he coo'd, as he lowered his head kissing her softly from her neck down to her collar bone, stopping along the way to nibble on her skin with just enough pressure to inflict a slight pulse of pain, before flicking his tongue across the offending spot, replacing the momentary discomfort with a feeling of unparalleled pleasure.

"Lea-Leati the fa-fa-family is here" she stuttered lowly. She felt his lips curl against her skin, before he momentarily removed them.

"You have no idea the things we witnessed from our parents, this will not faze them in the least" he whispered huskily before dipping his head back down, once again connecting his lips with her flesh.

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