Riddle me this

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Roman took a quick shower and threw on a black t-shirt and a pair of basketball shorts before walking out of the bathroom and sitting on Melanie's bed. Seth and Sasha had both already done the same and were cuddled up on the bed in their pajamas as they waited for the pizza to arrive. He placed his clothes back in his garment bag and without looking up he asked.

"So neither one of you were going to tell me that her God father was THE Shawn Michaels?"

Sasha laughed and shrugged her shoulders "Wasn't my business to tell." Roman just looked at her and shook his head.

"When has that ever stopped you?"

Sasha threw a pillow at him but he ducked and watched as it hit the window instead. He laughed as he turned his head over his shoulder to look at his best friend.

"What's your excuse Seth?"

"I don't have one I just wanted to watch you sweat. If you think that her God father is a big deal wait until you find out who her dad is" he chuckled

"Well I will wait for her to tell me who he is. I know you two jack asses aren't going to tell me, and besides I feel like when she does finally tell me, that means that she really does trust me."

Sasha smiled "Now you're getting it."

Roman smiled, thinking thoughtfully before saying "I won't pressure her to say or do anything she doesn't want to do, I will wait until she is ready to open up to me in her own time, I want her to come to realize that I will be here for her whenever she needs someone."

Sasha looked at him with a blank look on her face "Why do you choose to frustrate me so?"

Roman's forehead knitted together in confusion "What do you mean? What did I do now?"

Seth shook his head but didn't look away from the movie he was watching as he mumbled "That's a loaded ass question Bro"

"You insist on wasting your time with that poor excuse of a human being, Evelyn." Sasha said in aggravation.

Roman sat down on the bed and looked up at Seth who was silently urging him to change the direction that the conversation was going.

Sasha turned her body so that she was completely facing Roman "Hear me out, I just want to ask you three questions, and if any of those questions are a yes, I will drop the whole subject."

Roman starred Sasha in the eye "Three questions and you will let this go?"

"Yup three questions and like I said if you can honestly answer yes to any of the three, I will drop the entire subject for good, you have my word."

Roman could see Seth shaking his head 'No' behind Sasha.

"Fine but you only get 5 minutes, and 5 minutes only, I need to call Jo."

Sasha gave a little smirk and nodded her understanding; she had him right where she wanted him. "I won't even need that long, I will be quick and to the point. First question, do you love Evelyn, and by love I mean you can't imagine your life without her, she is the woman you want to come home to at the end of every day, she is the first person outside of JoJo that you want to see when you get home?"

Roman was stunned into silence, he looked up at Seth "Uh huh, don't look at me now, I tried to warn you, go ahead and answer the question Ro, it's not like we already don't know the answer anyway." He said as he leaned back against the headrest of the bed and crossed his arms along his chest.

Roman inwardly groaned he should have heeded Seth's warning when he had the chance, now he had two options, either answer Sasha's three questions or refuse and face her wrath. He pinched the bridge of his nose and looked at Sasha who was sitting on the bed, patiently waiting on an answer that he knew that she already had. He cursed under his breath before biting the bullet "No, she is not."

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