Family Reunion

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Melanie turned around and looked at the crowd, she couldn't believe the welcome she just received from the WWE Universe. She paused for a moment to let the moment sink in before continuing the promo.

"WOW, if I wasn't sure before I am absolutely sure that the WWE Universe is hands down the best group of fans out there!" I said as I ignored the glares I was receiving from my cousin and continued addressing the crowd who was still on their feet.

"I have to say when Stephanie called me and said it was time to come up to the main roster I couldn't believe it and I definitely didn't expect this type of reaction so thank you for that! But in the interest of time lets address the elephant in the room" I said as I looped my arm around Sasha's neck and turned and looked back to my cousin at that moment at a sheer murderous look on her face.

"Why aren't you happy to see me Charlotte? I mean after all we are family dear cousin" I said feigning as sincere a tone as I could muster.

Charlotte scoffed before raising the mic to her mouth as I removed my arm from around Sasha's neck.

"Family....FAMILY?!" she screamed as she stepped into my personal space. "Family wouldn't waltz their worthless ass down to the ring and take my enemies side." She said pointing at Sasha. "Family would either be standing next to me beating the crap out of her or staying out of my way" she seethed.

I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned to look at Sasha who had that mischievous look in her eye "Oooouuuuu Mellllllyyyy is she big mad or little mad?!" She said into her mic with a smirk on her face. Her favorite past time was getting under Charlotte's skin and she knew this was killing Charlotte right now.

I paused for a minute as if contemplating the answer and tilted my head from side to side before nodding profusely "Definitely big mad" as I continued on with the promo, my voice took on a darker tone as I continued "What you fail to understand cousin" I said that word as if it was poison in my mouth "Is Sasha IS my family. I seem to remember you stood at the top of the ramp and watched as I got the hell beat out of me by Tamina, Alexa Bliss, Carmella and Nia Jax before you got your call up to the roster. You stood there and didn't lift one of your pretty little manicured fingers to help me." I seethed before pausing as the crowd booed.

"But you know who did help me?" I asked pausing as I looked at the crowd as they chanted Sasha's name SASHA! SASHA! SASHA! SASHA! They were eating out of the palm of my hand.

I nodded my head as I looked at my best friend who always had my back before turning my head to look at Charlotte.

"Your damn right, SASHA BANKS did!" I yelled into the mic. "SHE is the one who came to my rescue and with her help we fought our way out of that ring." I said to a raucous set of cheers.

As far as I am concerned the only family I have that is standing in this ring IS Sasha Banks, YOUR current WWE Women's champion!" I said to a loud cheer from the crowd as Sasha held her title up high in the air. "And you can bet your ass as long as you have kid sister over there" I said as I pointed to Dana which earned me a loud round of laughter from the crowd " who keeps interfering in your matches, you will be seeing a whole lot more of me........cousin" I said as I stepped into Charlotte's face. Before I knew it I felt a forearm hit the left side of my face. Judging from the angle and side it came from I knew it was from Dana. I stumbled backwards and immediately went on the offense. She charged towards me but I was quicker than her and connected with a clothesline that took her down to the ground. I looked over and saw Charlotte and Sasha embroiled in their own battle. Sasha was in control so I quickly turned my attention back to Dana who was slowly getting up off the mat. I backed up against the ropes behind me and knelt down as I sized her up. She took a few wobbly steps forward before I charged and hit her with a spear. As I laid her flat on her back I rolled out of the spear ending in a crouched position and flipped my hair backwards and out of my face. I looked up and saw Charlotte stomping Sasha in the corner. I yelled at her to back off and she stopped and turned around to face me.

"If you want a fight cousin I am right here" I said as I motioned for her to bring it.

"I don't want you right now, I want what rightfully belongs to me!" she said as she pointed to herself "what I was born to have." She screamed. "I am the Queen I am the rightful champion I won't stop until I have destroyed her!" She screamed. She was so distracted by hearing the sound of her own voice she didn't notice that Sasha had gotten up and was now standing right behind her.

"You are going to have to get through me first!" I said as I felt the anger rising in my face. Before Charlotte knew what happened Sasha quickly spun her around and hit her with a barrage of shots to the face. She looked at me giving the signal and I smiled knowing exactly what she was looking for. She swung Charlotte into the ropes behind her purposely swinging at Charlotte as she dodged out of the way of what she thought was a missed swing by Sasha. I sidestepped out of the way as she ran into the ropes and back at Sasha which set it up perfectly for me to step back in and pick her up by wrapping my arms around her knees and falling straight backwards in a trust-fall so that Sasha could grab her by the neck in midair to hit her with a DDT. As Sasha and I both stood up we looked at the bodies of Dana and Charlotte lying motionless in the ring and gave each other a double high five. My music hit and we made our way back up to the ramp signing autographs and hugging fans as we went. When we got to the top of the ramp we stood there arm in arm as the fans exploded!

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