Dream vs Reality

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I walked over to Seth and kissed him on the forehead "Don't be such a baby big brother." He looked up at me with a gleam in his eyes and I knew I was in deep shit. I turned to run but he lunged at me grabbing me by my waist trying to flip me over his shoulder.

"You are so going to pay for that Melly" he said

I screamed before elbowing him in his chest, loosening his grip just enough for me to manage to keep my feet on the ground. I leaned forward reaching out for the first person I saw which was Roman. Without hesitation he grabbed me under my arms and gently but firmly yanked me from Seth's grasp, swinging me around as I hopped on the bed and knelt down behind him for protection, with a knee on either side of his waist. My chest was pressed against his back as I loosely draped one arm over his shoulder, resting my hand on his chest while looping my other arm around his waist. Seth still tried to lunge at me by jumping over Roman, but Roman easily pushed him back with one hand. Sending him flying backwards onto Sasha's bed. Roman then took his right hand and placed it on my wrist that rested over his shoulder, slowly rubbing his thumb along the front of my arm as we watched in amusement as Seth bounced on the bed before sitting up, looking at Roman and I in disbelief.

"BRO seriously?!" he said as he threw his hands up in the air. I smirked at him while peering over Romans shoulder.

"What" Roman said cavalierly as he turned his head to look at me, before slightly leaning back to whisper in my ear. "I will protect you lalelei."

I nodded and I bit my lower lip as he looked back at Seth.

"Unbelievable" he said as he looked at Sasha and then back at me and Roman who were smiling like a pair of Cheshire cats "YOU BROKE THE BRO CODE!" he yelled near hysterics "I can understand if you don't help me at all, I mean I don't like it, but I can at least understand it! Hell if the roles were reversed I probably wouldn't help you either but to side with the enemy Ro?"

Roman shrugged his shoulders as he tried to control his laughter. "What can I say I like her better than you."

I couldn't help the laugh that escaped me as I rested my chin on Romans shoulder.

"Unfuckinbelievable" Seth said again as he stared at the two of us, I stuck my tongue out at him while Roman just smirked at him before laughing at me.

We were brought back to reality by Sasha who stood up chuckling before looking in-between the two boys saying;

"As sorry as I am to have to break this up. Mel and I really have to start getting ready for this photo shoot. You two can stay here if you both agree to play nice, but you can't keep distracting us." she said as she stood up and kissed Seth square on the mouth before turning to smack Roman in the arm.

"Come on Mel , grab your stuff so we can get ready."

I kissed Roman on his jawline before leaning back to whisper in his ear "Thanks for the backup Superman." I slid off the bed and grabbed my bag from the ground before following Sasha into the bathroom. As soon as I shut the door Sasha looked at me and crossed her arms over her chest. She stood there staring at me with a knowing smile.

"What?" I said

"Not interested in Roman my ass! You better not ever utter those words again" she said before turning to put her hair in a ponytail and beginning her face cleansing ritual.

I stared at her for a moment before sitting down on the edge of the tub and letting out a loud groan. What the hell was I doing, I thought to myself as I put my hands on my face. This absolutely can't end well for me.


Seth just sat there looking at me with a smirk on his face and an arched eyebrow. I wasn't exactly sure what he was going to say but I knew I probably didn't want to hear it.

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