Meeting the Anoai's

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The meeting wasn't long, quite the opposite it was straight to the point and Roman and Seth couldn't be happier. With this new trade they got their best friend back. That's right Dean was coming to Raw. But along with Dean Alexa was also coming over in the trade. Roman shook the thought from his mind; it was of no consequence to him. He told Alexa where they stood and he meant every word of it. He glanced to his right. He held Melanie's hand in his interlocking their fingers as they headed upstairs. Jimmy held Joelle in his arms while the girls filled Melanie in on the events that happened before she entered the conference room.

"Wait, she said WHAT?!" Melanie cackled as she bent over at the waist in laughter

Trinity leaned over against the wall holding her stomach as she laughed "Girl yes! She told her daddy that Alexa was looking at him like he was a snack pack!"

"Then when Alexa went to touch your flowers, Jo shut that down and told her to stop touching things that don't belong to her." Renee chuckled as she poked her tongue in her cheek her eyes misting over with tears at the memory.

"My Girl!" Melanie said kissing the giggling 6 year old on her nose.

Dean shook his head "Y'all should be ashamed!" he laughed

"Why?" Sasha said through her laughter.

"Maybe because y'all are encouraging a six year old to be a mean girl!" Seth chuckled over his shoulder.

"Psh that Bull shi- crap" Sasha said as she shifted her eyes to look at Joelle who gave her an appreciative look for the correction in language.

Roman chortled, hearing his phone ding in his pocket he lifted it to see what it was but before he could take a look the elevators opened to the floor they needed to get off on. He shoved his phone back into his pocket and pulled Melanie gently behind him. She looked up at him curiously, clutching her flowers in her open hand.

"Le this isn't my floor."

He nodded his head. "I know it's my parent's floor."

She nodded hesitantly but didn't stop moving.

"Don't worry Melly my nana and grumpy are gonna love you!" Joelle said as she nodded her head for emphasis.

Joelle's assurances did little for Melanie's nerves but she still gave her a small smile of gratitude.

"Relax" Roman said as he tipped her chin up to look at him "Besides didn't you tell me you met my dad before?"

"I was like 5 Le, I doubt he even remembers."

"Doesn't matter, you remember him plus it shows that you met him and lived to tell about it." he teased. Melanie stared at him blankly and Roman stifled a laugh.

"Don't forget Nessa, Summer, Maritza and Matt are there so you have a buffer." Roman added in an attempt to ease her nerves. They stopped in front of the suite that his family shared, Jimmy was ahead of him so he knocked on the door and waited, they didn't wait more than 5 seconds before Nessa swung the door open and waved them all in hugging them each as they walked through the door.

Melanie saw Joelle take off through the suite the minute her feet hit the floor. She was the last one through the door and Nessa hugged her the longest of them all.

"Calm down, I promise they won't bite." She whispered into Melanie's ear, earning herself a squeeze and a nod of gratitude from Melanie.

Roman gently tugged on her hand bringing her to his side, handing her flowers to Nessa so that they could be put into the vase he purchased as they made their way into the suites living room. Both of his parents were standing at the door of the room in the left corner of the suite. They were looking down at Joelle who had her head tilted up to look at them both.

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