A picture is worth a thousand words

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It was 6:00am and Melanie couldn't sleep so she found herself in the gym, she text Sasha to come and join her, she knew that wouldn't be any time soon, so she stretched for a minute before hopping on the treadmill, as her mind wandered back to the events of last night.

Roman happily carried her a few blocks until they reached an ice cream shop. "You up for some ice-cream?" he asked as he motioned his head towards the shop.

"Ummm Yeah! Who the hell turns down ice cream?" she said as he gently lowered her off of his back, and opened the door for her to walk inside. As they walked up to the counter they both noticed a group of guys in the corner who looked like they were just finishing up. Melanie nodded her hello as Roman did the same. Unlike Melanie who nodded hello and immediately looked forward, Roman noticed their reaction immediately. One guy actually dropped his ice cream cone on the table in shock. Roman snickered at him before hearing them begin to whisper.

"Holy shit....is that the fucking Queen of Souls?"

"She is even hotter in person" the second guy said.

A third guy in the plaid shirt started to stand up. "I have got to get a picture with her come on" He was stopped by his friend in glasses who grabbed his arm to keep him in place.

"Dude you might want to be careful it looks like she is with Roman Reigns and by with, I mean it looks like he is her boyfriend."

Roman couldn't help but be amused as he purposely wrapped his arm around Melanie's waist, and listened to the reactions.

"Ughhhhh see, I told you they were together!"

"Lucky bastard"

Roman had to turn his head and cover his mouth with his free hand to hide his smile.

"Aren't you getting anything?" Melanie asked as she looked up at him.

He looked down to see she already had her ice-cream in her hand, a cup of soft serve banana ice cream covered in chocolate chips, fudge and three cherries. Roman quickly placed his order mint chocolate chip with fudge, whip cream and a cherry. Out of the corner of his eye he saw a flash of green in Melanie's hand, just as the server came back with his ice cream Melanie took a step forward. He moved his body in front of her blocking her path and playfully bumped her away from the register. Melanie stumbled a little to the left as she giggled. It was a sound that he could listen to all day.

Melanie shook her head "You are going to stop manhandling me Leati" she said as she pointed her finger at him.

Roman ignored her and looked at the teenage girl who was the cashier "Baby girl do not take any money from her." He said as he motioned his head towards Melanie, before placing his sundae on the counter, taking his wallet out of his back pocket and pulling out $40.00. He gave her the first $20.00 to pay for the ice cream and dropped the rest into the tip jar that was on the counter. The second $20.00 he handed to the teenage girl personally before winking at her, and turning around to face Melanie who was shaking her head and chuckling at him.

As they turned around to head to the door Roman looked up to see that the group of guys had finally worked up enough courage to come talk to them.

"Heads up, we got company" he whispered in her ear as he ate a spoonful of his ice-cream.

She looked up just in time to see the men stop in front of her. They looked nervously between her and Roman.

They all exchanged nervous glances with each other before the one in glasses and a white t-shirt with cargo shorts stepped forward.

"We don't mean to interrupt, but would you mind taking a picture with us?"

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