My Lady bug

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Melanie gripped her stomach, she felt like she was frozen in place but her mind raced a mile a minute. What in the world was going on? Why would Joelle think that she was being used? And by her no less. What had she done wrong for Joelle to think like this?

"Please t-t-t-teee-l-l-l-l me it's not t-t-true" she stuttered and hiccupped through her tears. It was that plea that brought Melanie back to her current twisted reality. She jumped into action and closed the small distance that was between her and Joelle, immediately wiping away the tears that were streaming down her little red cheeks.

Melanie shook her head vehemently from side to side "Jo, I promise you none of that is true. Why would you think that?"

Melanie saw Roman's body tense and she quickly darted her gaze up to his face and noticed guilt and regret flicker across his features. It clicked instantly...he knew what was going on. Her lips set into a straight line she would deal with him later; right now she needed to focus solely on Jo.

Roman held his breath it wasn't lost on him the daggers that Melanie just tossed at him when she looked up at him a split second ago, he knew he was in trouble but if she and Jo were able to get back to normal he would gladly face her wrath.

"Mommy said that you didn't like me at all. She said that you would throw me away as soon as you didn't need me anymore" she said as she began to sob.

Roman watched as anger flashed through Melanie's eyes but as quickly as it appeared it was replaced by a look of horror, hurt and concern.

"Joelle I know you are really upset at me right now, and probably very confused but can I hold you for a second so we can talk?"

Joelle looked at Melanie and hesitated, she glanced up at Roman who gave her an encouraging head nod. Joelle nodded her head yes, and before she could change her mind Melanie quickly and gently took Joelle from Romans arms holding her close to her chest as she walked to the bench that was along the wall. The Anoai siblings were following close behind and formed a semi-circle around the bench shielding them from prying eyes.

Melanie put Joelle on her lap so that Joelle was facing her with one leg on either side of Melanie's legs. In the place of the jovial, funny, spirited little girl she had met was a sad, confused and utterly broken replacement. She placed a hand on either side of her perfectly round little face.

"Joelle listen to me, I know that you are hurting alot right now" she said thickly her own eyes welling with tears "And that a lot of things that maybe weren't confusing before may be right now but I want you to really listen to what I am going to say okay?" Joelle's bottom lip quivered as she stared at Melanie, she didn't know what to think. Why would Melly be on the verge of tears if she really didn't like her, wouldn't she be happy that she didn't have to pretend anymore? This was all so confusing to her. She closed her eyes and felt the tears again. She had been doing that a lot lately, but she couldn't help it. She had thought Melanie was her friend, she thought she was going to be a good girlfriend for her daddy, she thought she was different from her mom, she thought Melanie wanted her but it turned out she was wrong, her mom didn't want her, Melanie didn't want her, no one wanted her.

Melanie slowly wiped away the tears that were falling down Joelle's cheeks with her thumbs. "I genuinely love spending time with you." She said as she swallowed the lump in her throat realizing the absolute sincerity and truth behind that statement. "I could never hurt you or your daddy that's just not me princess, I mean you had me hook line and sinker the minute you jete leaped across the computer screen. I have been crazy about you since day one Jo."

"You don't mean that" Joelle cried as she put her smaller hands on the outside of Melanie's hands grabbing onto her fingers as she did so, seemingly fighting with herself as to if she should push her hands away or hold on to them.

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