Calm before the storm

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Melanie lay with her head against Roman's chest while he ran his hand through her hair. She hadn't spoken to Joelle in a few days and given what Roman said she had witnessed between him and Evelyn, Melanie just wanted to know if she was okay. She lifted her head from his chest to look up at him, feeling her sudden change in position he lowered his head to meet her gaze.

"How is Jo doing?"

Roman pursed his lips together, before giving a small sigh "She isn't doing great but she is doing better than she was on Saturday. After it happened I couldn't be out of her sight for longer than a few minutes and she refused to communicate with anyone except for me, and even that communication was limited to one word answers or phrases, but by the time I left to catch my flight she was at least comfortable enough around my parents and Vanessa to be in the same room with them without needing me to be right there with her."

He ran a hand over his face "I am hoping that by being with me and the family this week that we will be able to help get her back to her normal self."

Melanie gave him a puzzled looked

"I guess this is as good of a time to tell you as any" he started as he shifted nervously. "Jo is on break from school this week and since my parents and the rest of my siblings are all coming to Raw I told them they can just leave her with me for the week....So long story short you get to meet my" he added as he waited for her reaction.

She blinked at him a few times as the gravity of what he said slowly sunk in and her eyes grew three times the regular size.

"Holy shit"

Roman chuckled "Don't panic Lalelei, they are going to love you"

She looked at him with a look of sheer panic "You don't know that" she said as she stood to her feet. Roman tried to pull her back into his lap but the minute his hands touched her waist she frantically swatted at his arms until he finally released her.

"Yes I do, my siblings have all met you and they love you, Jo met you and well you already know how she feels about you, and then there is me, I think everyone can agree that I adore you so what are you worrying about? The deck is completely stacked in your favor lalelei" he said as he stood on the bed on his knees reaching out again to entwine his arms around her waist.

She shrugged out of his hold shook her head and dropped her face in her hands "We are so backwards" she spoke into her palms

Roman chuckled "What do you mean?"

She dropped her hands to her sides and looked at him incredulously "Exactly what I said, but just for shits and giggle I will list the ways, one we just met last week yet we are consistently snuggling, cuddling, or touching in some way shape or form, two your daughter is literally my kindred spirit which is the oddest thing ever.... to be honest I think that reflects poorly on me that my kindred spirit is a 6 year old but that's neither here nor there" she rambled as Roman smirked at her nervous ranting "Three we have yet to go on a first date but I am meeting your parents TODAY....... Oh. My. God." She said slowly "I am meeting your parents today........We are moving entirely too fast" she said as her eyes darted around the room and she started to breathe erratically.

Roman stepped over the side of the bed, he would be damned if he was about to let a panic attack get in his way of the plans he had with Melanie this week. He quickly wrapped her up and pulled her down so that she was sitting on his lap and coo'd soothingly into her ear.

"Baby listen to me, I need you to try and calm down. I want you to breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth." She nodded her head and followed his directions.

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