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"I hope you told him that I'm not interested" she said without skipping a beat.

Taking a sigh he said "I told him I wouldn't make him any promises but that I would talk to you about it."

Melanie blinked a few times as she waited, surly her father didn't say what she thought he said. She opened her mouth and then promptly shut it. Shifting Joelle in her lap she lifted her head up so that she could look her in the eye

"Lady bug can you head upstairs for me please while I talk to my dad"

Joelle looks at Melanie and wants to object but seeing the look on Melanie's face she decides to pick her battles and take this one as a loss.

Once she is upstairs and seemingly out of earshot Melanie looks at her father and says, "I'm sorry what exactly is there to talk about? She tried to end Sasha's career that in itself is enough reason for me to never have anything to say to her ever again." She says quite sternly.

"I'm not saying you have to hug her, or welcome her with open arms I'm just asking for you to talk to her" he says with a sigh

"Your Uncle Ric is insisting, pleading, begging for you to talk to her. He said if you never want to speak to her afterwards, he will understand but he is asking that you give her just 5 minutes" Mark says as he holds up five fingers.

Melanie scoffs "And why should I? She had all of our lives to say what she needed to say, but now that I'm done with her now she has something to say? No dad....No!" she says as she vehemently shakes her head from side to side.

"Besides he could have come to me himself and asked instead of trying to get you to do his dirty work for him." She says as she gets up and begins to pace.

Mark gets up and walks over to his daughter "Angel I know your pissed off"

Melanie swings herself around to face him "No...pissed off doesn't nearly come close to explaining what or how I'm feeling and it damn sure doesn't explain how Sasha is feeling so again tell me why I should allow her any more of my time?"

"I don't expect you to sit here and be nice, but I would appreciate if you would hear her out, hell maybe you both could get some answers that will give you both some closure. All three of you" he said as he motioned between Sasha and Melanie as Melanie ran her hands through her hair and shook her head.

"Besides you know if your mother was here this would kill her to know that you at least didn't try to get some sort of resolution or closure to this situation" he said gesturing between Sasha and Melanie, of which Sasha just stared at him blankly having yet to even say a word.

Melanie shook her head, that was a low blow and they both knew it. Glaring at her father she shook her head from side to side. She didn't want to do this but if he was pulling out his ace in the hole by trying to guilt her with her mother's memory maybe she should, but only if Sasha was okay with it.

Sitting on the coffee table in front of Sasha she said quietly "What do you want to do Sash?"

Sasha tilted her head "What do you mean?"

"This isn't just an issue with me and Charlotte this is between the three of us so I'm not going to make this decision by myself. Do you want to talk to her? Because if you don't I will shut this whole thing down no questions asked." She says as she swipes her hands out in front of her.

Sasha looked at Melanie and smiled. As usual Melanie always puts other people first.

Shrugging her shoulder she says "It's only 5 minutes we have lasted through her fuckery for over 20 years we can deal with 5 more minutes"

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