Say Please

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Roman couldn't take his eyes off of the monitor. God Damn not only was she impressive outside of the ring but she was clearly a badass in the ring as well. She moved so effortlessly and with a lightness and ease that even the most accomplished men superstars didn't possess.

"This is how you cut a DAMN PROMO!" Hunter yelled, he was extremely pumped up as was Stephanie as neither of them could stop smiling as they watched the video feed backstage.

Seth was super excited as well, every time Sasha or Melanie hit a move he would get amped up and scream at the monitor. By the time the girls hit their signature trust-fall DDT Seth and I couldn't believe it and neither could the fans. Sasha and Melanie made a damn good team that was clear to anyone looking and they just made the biggest statement just now in that ring.

As Melanie walked behind the stage she was immediately swamped by the Bellas, Natalya, Kane, Randy, the new day, Tamina, and a few other superstars who were extremely happy to see her. They all congratulated her on a great debut, as she looked up we briefly made eye contact before her attention was again drawn away by someone in the crowd who wanted to congratulate her.

"Dude I keep telling you stop staring or else the friendzone will be in your future!" Seth whispered as he let out a laugh. I shrugged him off and turned just in time to see Melanie get tackled to the ground by Sasha.


"Why didn't you TELL ME!" she squealed?! I exploded into a fit of laughter as I lay on the ground with her 100lb body on top of me.

Stephanie walked over and knelt next to us.

"I told her not to say anything I wanted to get pure reactions from you all in the ring and I would say mission accomplished!" she said as she smiled and looked between me and Sasha who was still pinning me to the ground. A few seconds later I saw two sets of feet one on either side of my head one was a rather large pair and the other though large were substantially smaller than the first. I tilted my head back and saw Seth and Roman smiling down at us.

I glanced back down looking into the face of my friend "Uh Sash" I said as I smiled " I love you but do you mind getting your skinny ass off of me" I laughed "I didn't get all cute and shit to be laying on the ground in this arena."

"Please don't move on account of us" Roman said with a lopsided smile on his face. "You know we like a little girl on girl action" Seth added with a wink at us as he extended his hand to Sasha to help her off the ground.

Sasha shook her head at her boyfriend as he pulled her to her feet before turning and offering me her hand, Roman swatted her hand away extending out his own in her place as I sat up and threw my head back and laughed "You freaky little bastard!" I said to Seth as I placed my hand into Romans much larger one. Roman hoisted me up off the ground lifting me as if I weighed absolutely nothing and placed me upright on my feet before Seth wrapped me up in a congratulatory hug.

"You guys were amazing!" he said

"We always are" Sasha replied as she reached up and pecked him on the lips.

Seth and Roman just shook their heads as I turned to talk to Stephanie and Hunter. Stephanie wrapped her arms around me tight as Hunter did the same. We pulled away as Charlotte and Dana limped back stage. I couldn't help the smile of satisfaction that I had on my face to watch them limp past me in defeat. I looked at Sasha whose face reflected my own look of satisfaction as she stood in-between Roman and Seth. Steph and Hunter excused themselves saying they had business to tend to. I nodded but looked up at Steph as she mouthed "Call me" I nodded in return and looked back in enough time to see that Roman had seen the exchange. He looked at me with an arched eyebrow and I just smiled back at him in return. I looked at Sasha whose face was now in a scowl and I felt someone breathing on my shoulder. I saw Roman and Seth exchange a look and I saw Seth grab Sasha's arm to hold her in place. I slowly turned to see Dana standing behind me. I rolled my eyes and clicked my teeth.

"What?!" I said rudely.

"You are going to pay for what you did tonight you backstabber!"

I laughed in her face "Listen you little treasure troll" I heard what had to be Roman spit out their water and cough as if they were choking but I didn't turn around.

"I don't have time for you right now so if you are feeling frisky please go and request a match for next week I will be more than Happy to kick your ass again." I said as I turned around and walked towards Sasha who grabbed my hand and pulled me away down the hall. I looked up to see I was right in my previous assumption, yup it was indeed Roman who almost chocked on his water, Seth was smacking his back in an attempt to help him while Roman quickly wiped his mouth

"Damn woman you have a smart ass mouth" he said chuckling after he got his coughing under control.

I stopped in my tracks and looked over my shoulder at him "I know" I replied with a devious little smile. Sasha pulled on my arm "Come on lets go to our locker room."

"Our Locker room?" Roman said as he looked questioningly at Seth as they walked up behind us.

Seth raised his arms "Don't look at me bro, I know better than to argue with the both of them when they are on the same team, hell even when they are on different teams I don't argue with them." He said as he laughed.

I laughed and looked at Roman "You may want to get a crash course from Seth in how to deal with us" I said as I playfully smacked his chest. He was wearing a simple Roman Empire t-shirt so my hand felt like I had punched a brick but I didn't flinch regardless of how much it hurt.

We made it quickly and without any other incident to our Locker room and I plopped right down on the couch.

I held my hand out to Seth "Can I have my phone and keys back?"

Seth got a sly look on his face "Say please"

I never took my eyes off of him but I saw as Sasha quietly walked up behind him. So I stood up and slowly walked until I was standing in front of him. I saw Roman shaking his head and snickering from his locker. "You saw what we just did out there Seth are you really trying to get a replay up close and personal" I said quietly yet loud enough for all 4 of us to hear.

I stood right in front of his face and smiled sweetly "So lets try this again.....Seth" I said drawing out each word carefully "Give. Me. My. Phone." he looked at me just as sweetly with an arched eyebrow and said "Say Please"

I sighed and shook my head "You brought this on yourself Seth" within seconds of me saying his name Sasha took him out at the knees and I grabbed his head and put him in a headlock as all three of us were on the floor together.

"RO! You want to HELP ME OUT HERE?" he screamed. Roman took two steps towards where we were crumpled on the floor.

"This doesn't concern you Roman!" Sasha yelled as she delivered shots to Seth's stomach.

"You don't want any part of this fight Roman" I said as I tightened my hold on Seth's head making him scream in pain.

Roman burst into laughter as he put his hands in the air and opted to take a seat on the couch as he watched us wrestle on the ground. All of sudden I heard my phone ring and it was my dads ringtone.

"You better give me my phone or else I'm gonna tell my dad you were messing with his little girl!" I spat through my laughter

"You wouldn't dare!" Seth mumbled through his head lock

"You bet your conditioner soaked hair I would now give me my phone before I tell my dad on you!" I said through a fit of laughter. I knew we sounded like we were back in grammar school but we didn't care.

"And you better do it before he hangs up!" Sasha added

Roman shook his head "Dude why are you acting like her dad is the bogey man, why are you so scared of him?"

"You haven't met her dad you have no idea who he is" Seth hissed through the choke hold

Sasha and I tried to hold in our laughter but we were failing miserably.

"Hurry up two tone!" I said "Clocks ticking and the longer you take to make a decision the more likely it is I am going to sing like a canary!" I said through my laughter.

"My hair isn't even two toned anymore you asshole" he yelled

"Beside the point, now tick tock make a decision babe!" Sasha yelled.

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