Chapter Twenty-six: The Eminent Fangirl

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"Ok that's it. You're dismissed. See you all again tomorrow." Sir Allan told the whole class before leaving the room. We just finished today's acting workshop session.

In my peripheral vision I saw Edward went to talk to Heaven again. I have noticed that in these past few days, they have been interacting with each other more often than before.

Maybe he confessed to her already. I thought bitterly.

It has been a week since we came back from that Nagsasa trip. Ever since then, I tried my best to avoid unnecessary interactions with Edward anymore. After hearing that conversation between him and Marco, I just can't help it. I might lose control and bawl like crazy in front of him if I don't distance myself at all.

I sighed. Seeing those two now only cemented my initial speculation that the girl that Marco and Edward was talking about that morning in Nagsasa is none other than Heaven. With that, that one tiny spark of hope in my heart that tells me that I could be wrong with my assumptions; that I immediately jumped into conclusions; that I could be Edward's special person instead of her, suddenly disappeared like a popped bubble.

I admit that running away that night was indeed very cowardly of me. But heck it was dead scary. I was afraid to hear that name right straight from Edward's lips then because I am sure that whatever it is, it will entirely change the way how I look and react to things as they are now, including the resolution that I already made regarding my unlikely situation here.

First, if I stayed that night and actually heared Edward utter Heaven's name, then that would be too excruciating for me to handle. I know myself all too well to realize that I can't bear it. That my system would be completely blown out of proportion if ever and so I quickly retreated instead. For me that response was like a defensive mechanism. Because of what I did, I prevented myself from receiving a finality. And knowing my current state of mind, I really think that I would be better off without it yet. So that I could still think and decide over things with rationality.

On the other hand, if I stayed that night and actually heared him say my name instead, then that might be the end game for me. If in case I did confirm during that time that he is in love with me, I am afraid that my decision to leave this place might be rendered for eternity. I would probably wish to stay and most likely, longed for him even more because now, I have a reason to do so. And it shouldn't be like that at all for I am not a real being of this world. I am the Maymay of my world and above all, how long will I stay more in this place is not entirely up to me in the first place. I could be transferred back to my reality any moment by the Supreme Druid himself without me knowing. So if Edward and I ended up together in this world then, I'll most likely just leave a mess if ever; not only to Edward's feelings but to the real Maymay of this world as well. And it shouldn't happen because I am in no position to meddle further with their lives in any way. What I did while I am here is I think, more than enough already; in a not so positive light though to be more specific.

But I guess those issues that I have in my mind are all futile now. Because it turns out that I am right anyway; that it is Heaven that he's in love with. And with that, I am more than grateful that I did turned around and prevented myself from hearing it that night. I managed to save myself from another 'in your face' heartache.

I quickly gathered my things and stood up. I decided to just wait for Edward in the lobby since we will be going home together as per Tita Cathy's persuasion. I know that she only means well so I couldn't say no when she offered. After all, it is more convenient for me as well anyway since I do not have my own vehicle yet. If I remember correctly, I bought it after a year since I debuted on showbiz.

Without a word or anything else to Edward, I walked outside of the room.

I was already at the corridor when out of nowhere I heared someone called me.

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