Chapter Nine: Last Goodbye

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I opened my eyes in that instant. Uncontrollable tears are streaming down on my face as I take shallow and hard breaths fastly. I immediately covered my mouth with both of my hands to quiet my sobs then I took a quick glance at the sleeping Mama Ludy beside me.

Thankfully she didn't wake up.

I stood up and run straight to the bathroom. I couldn't breathe properly anymore. I needed to cry this, to take it all out. I opened the door quietly and sat on the lid of our toilet bowl before finally breaking down. With both palms on my face, I tried to lessen my noise as much as possible to avoid waking anybody up.

It happened again-my personal nightmare. The result of my cowardice. The very scene that holds all of my current pent-up frustrations in life.

Come to think of it, it's already been so long since I last had that dream. That tme I was still on my world, just a few days before that horrible accident happened. It is actually the first that I dreamt of that in here.

I stayed on that position for a couple of more minutes before my nerves finally calmed down a bit. After, I walked into the kitchen to get some milk to drink, just like what I usually do after waking up like this.

I took out the carton of fresh milk from our fridge, filled my mug and then drank it all up in one lift. I realized that I was so thirsty.

Oh well I just slept then bawled like crazy a little while ago so I guess that's kind of understandable.

Feeling unsatisfied yet, I poured another shot of that milk into my mug, pulled out a chair from our dining table set and sit.

"It's the same but not exactly." I muttered absentmindedly to myself as I took one small sip from my mug this time.

That dream, of course it is very familiar. It's the same of those which had me haunted for the past 13 years. But this time I noticed that somehow there is something different.

Actually that difference is none other than myself. From the way I look up to the things that I am wearing, it is pretty obvious that I am my 33 year old me and not that 19 year old Maymay which I definitely looked like in those previous dreams that I had. Another thing is that that particular dream didn't start like it usually do as well - when Edward and I had our last conversation. This time I am alone in the airport at first, searching until he found me. Yes he was the one who found me. Edward even called my name in exactly the same way he used to way back then.

Right at that moment I realized what it was. I realized that I am having that nightmare again. It's so vivid yet so strange because like what I've said it's not like just another usual reenactment of our last meeting. It feels like there's so much more into it. Sure the setting looks exactly the same but when you look at it closely, it seemed like I am not just an expectator on that scene anymore. It feels like on that moment, I actually have control on what will I do or what will happened next. This is the first time that it ever happened. To be honest it really bothers me and I don't really understand the reason why.

I sighed. I felt so emotionally drained as of the moment. Thinking of those things just only made me remember that day. That time when I earned my greatest regret in life. The very chance that I let slipped from my hands unknowingly. They are flowing in my mind right now like a forcibly opened dam.


"Maymay you came!" He said in delight as soon as he saw me.

Edward is wearing that usual crinkly cute smile of his like always, that my heart just instantly went into a hyper mode once again.

Eto na naman tayo eh! Heart behave! I spat mentally at myself.

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